Monday, May 25, 2020
Databases, Forms, and Reports Essay - 836 Words
Databases, Forms, and Reports This paper will discuss databases, forms and reports. Why has the use of databases increased dramatically? What factors should be considered when designing a database and why? How would you go about designing forms and reports from scratch? In conclusion, a summation will be given along with closing thoughts. Database Usage A database is an organized collection of information or data. It is a collection of organized information in which a computer can easily select and display different fields of data. Databases have been in use since the earliest days of electronic computing, but the vast majority of these were custom programs written to access custom databases. Unlike modern systems which can be†¦show more content†¦The mission statement establishes the purpose of the database and provides a focus for the developer. The second phase is to analyze the current database; typically a legacy database or a paper-based database. In this case, there is not a database in place because it is a new company. The third phase is to create the data structures for the database. Define tables and fields, establish keys, and define field specifications for every field need to be accomplished. Establishing table relationships is the fourth phase. Interviews will be conducted with users and management and identi fy relationships between the entities. The fifth phase is determining and defining business rules. Interviews will be held to identify limitations on various aspects of the database, establish business rules, and define and implement validation tables. Determining and establishing views is the sixth phase. Identifying various ways of looking at the data, will establish the views. The seventh or the last phase in this design process is to review the final database for data integrity. This step includes making sure each table meets the criteria for a properly designed table, review and check field specifications for each field, review the validity of each relationship, and then to go over the business rules to confirm any limitations. Database design is one of planning and analysis. Planning defines the goals of the database, explains whyShow MoreRelatedDevry Bis 245 All Ilabs Week 1 - 7 - Latest If You Want to Purchase a+ Work Then Click the Link Below , Instant Download Http: //Www.Hwspeed.Com/Devry-Bis-245-All-Ilabs-Week-1-7-Latest-49449044.Htm?Categoryid=-1 If You1403 Words  | 6 Pagesbusiness situation in which managers require information from a database, determine, analyze and classify that information so that reports can be designed to meet the requirements. 2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements, create the conceptual model of the database using a database modeling tool. 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With the hassle of trying to keep paper and Excel records on multiple tabs and folders, an Access database was the ideal solution. The business has four currently employees, including Mr.Smith. The product categories is extensive but for the sake of the database, we only included a handful to demonstrate that the database works and that the calculations are done accurately and timely. Each product has a few ingredients that should be tracked so that Mr.SmithRead MoreThe Features Of A Relational Database1406 Words  | 6 PagesP1 Explain the features of a relational database. Introduction: A company called Ian’s Co currently employs a team of IT technicians to manage their IT infrastructure and also support the IT users. Also quite recently the company has taken over a similar but a smaller company which is also employs technical support staff in the same way. What is a relational database? 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Graduation Speech Special Education - 1091 Words
Throughout my life, I feel as though I have had many encounters with special education. Growing up, my grandmothers close friend had a daughter that had down syndrome. She was extremely sweet and loved company. Her parents had six other children who were grown and lived on their own. However, she lived at home with her parents her whole life. In elementary school, I do not remember many encounters with special education students. I do remember some kids being taken out of my class for part of the day, but that was my only experience during that time. In middle school, I remember a few students that had disabilities. There was one boy that had autism, and he would stay with my class all day. The teachers would give him easier worksheets to†¦show more content†¦The girl with down syndrome was very outgoing and talked to me the whole time! However, the girl with autism was very set back. She would barely communicate with me, and that was because she did not know me and was not comfortable with me yet. It was difficult keeping up with them in the hallways because one would go one way, and the other would go a different way. With that being said, I would not have traded that experience for the world. Within the past year, teachers at my little sister’s school have started suspecting that she may have dyslexia. She has yet to be tested, but it will be happening soon. She has always had issues with reading, but never thought this would be why. However, if the tests come back, and they do say that she has dyslexia, that is not going to hold her down. She will still be able to conquer anything that she sets her mind to. Having a disability does not hold any person back from being able to succeed anything they want to. With the proper help, instruction and motivation, any student with a disability can be successful. Being different does not make you incapable. That is also something that I got from the PowerPoints. After reading chapters one and two of the book â€Å"Exceptional lives†, I could more easily understand special education. As a teacher, I will mostly likely have many students with disabilities in my class throughout my career. WithShow MoreRelatedGraduation Speech : Special Education753 Words  | 4 PagesPrincipal, special education teacher, and a general education teacher who teaches Spanish I have come to the conclusion, the three individuals I chose have had a great deal of time within the secondary special education services over their years in education. Ranging from years of experience from fifteen years for my principal, to twenty-one years for my special education teacher, to a whopping thirty-four years for our Spanish teacher. Therefore, I know if I ever have any questions over special educationRead MoreGraduation Speech On Special Education942 Words  | 4 PagesAmid the rush of the last week of school, I was able to sit down with my principal, who is retiring after 32 years in education. He has spent the majority of it as a building administrator, but the 22 years have been spread over elementary, middle, and high school populations. Originally, he taught high school Spanish and is fluent in several languages. H e talks to all our students in Spanish at some point during their high school experience, which gives those studying the language the opportunityRead MoreGraduation Speech : Special Education Program1088 Words  | 5 Pagesidentified as a special needs student, the process of signing up for classes is not as simple as for other students. When trying to earn a high school diploma, special education students encounter difficulties not faced by their peers. The first step is for parents, school staff, and the student to meet and determine the best option for the student in order to receive a diploma. Determining the student’s path is called an IEP, individualized education plan. All special education students have anRead MoreGraduation Speech : A Special Education Classroom955 Words  | 4 Pagesenvironment as you walked into her special education classroom felt very open. As soon as I walked in I could tell that the students felt accepted in this classroom. I enjoyed th e way that the adults were referred to by their first names. I was referred to as Ms. Caroline and that made me feel like I wasn’t as far off from the students. I saw a lot of trust and good connections among Mrs. ElsaMiller and her students. I spent two days in Mrs. ElsaMiller’s special education classroom. In these two daysRead MoreGraduation Speech : Special Education Program2505 Words  | 11 PagesStudents enrolled in special education programs are generally defined as passive learners. Many students in the special education program transfer their passive classroom learning into their knowledge of their Individualized Education Program (IEP) and rarely demonstrate self-determination skills. Few students attend their IEP meeting and fewer students know their IEP goals and goal areas. Thus, the students in the special education setting display a lack of involvement and participation in theirRead MoreSeparation of Church and State685 Words  | 3 Pagesas â€Å"wall of separation between church and state†, is a phrase used by Thomas Jefferson in understanding the two clauses of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States: Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause. The publi c education system felt the greatest impact as a result of the First Amendment of the Constitution in 1791, when the connection between God and the good of civilization was destroyed. God is slowly being taken of classrooms, ceremonies and even sporting eventsRead MoreGraduation Speech - Original Writing992 Words  | 4 Pagesother alumni are in jail, died in the zombie apocalypse a while back, or have been wiped off the face of the earth somehow, I don’t know, I couldn’t possibly care any less about those that I went to high school with and that are there after me. Graduation was one of the better days of my young life. If you haven’t figured it out, I was not a fan of high school. They couldn’t pay or beg me enough to teach at any high school here in the county, hence why I am teaching at the middle school level, asRead More The Individuals with Disability Education Act Policy Essay example1602 Words  | 7 PagesDisabilities Education Act (IDEA), which is a supersession of the Education of All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 is a federal law which requires states and their school districts to provide individuals with disabilities a free and appropriate education. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities. US Department Of Education (n.d.) The populationRead MoreBankier et al. (1999) stated that M. would come back and forth to mental health facility not only600 Words  | 3 Pagesseveral months after 1995. He displays took the rest of sadness as well as being hyper, which could have been a trait for bipolar disorder formerly known as manic depression (Bankier et al. 1999). It may also be by his parents did not want him to speech specialist what might have caused him not to get the correct diagnosis. M may have also showed signs of having ADHD or ADD Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which would have explained to the psychologists whyRead MoreEffective Methods For Accommodating Students With Disabilities Essay1479 Words  | 6 Pageselementary schools? Preface The right to equal education should be in reach of all students’ regardless of their educational needs and backgrounds. The barriers that students’ with disabilities face are evident in today’s public school education. We as educators sometimes ignore the capabilities of some of our disabled students’ and impede them from achieving their fullest potential. Inclusive education implementation has helped improve the quality of education offered to all children who attend school
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Basketball vs Soccer Essays - 663 Words
Comparison and Contrast Essay Basketball and soccer are two of the most played and enjoyable sports in the world. They both have professional leagues that attract millions of audience. People can watch both of them on television, but also play them for recreation and health. Basketball and soccer games are interesting, good for the body, and healthy, but they are also different in many ways. In both Soccer and Basketball the game is played with teams. Soccer has eleven players on the field at one for each team, whereas in basketball you only have five on the court for each team. (1) There are only five positions for a basketball games that includes two guards, two forwards, and one center.(1) On the other hand, soccer has many†¦show more content†¦Another aspect between these two sports is equipment. The first difference is the field these two sports play in. Soccer is played on a natural or artificial grass that is 120 yards long and 80 yards wide. (1) Basketball is played on a wooden floor 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. (1) These two sports are played with a ball; however, the ball is different in each sport. Soccer regularly uses a thickly padded, smooth leather ball with black and white spots on it; basketball typically uses an orange leather ball. (2) Soccer and basketball require different equipment for athletes to compete. These two sports are similar in many ways. People love basketball and soccer because it contains competitiveness. Both of these sports motivate people to stay healthy and fit. (2) Also both sports have one objective and that is to score more points than the opposing team to win games. (1)Every league has playoffs for the best teams to compete against each other. Competing in the playoffs will show the best team and the best team is rewarded with a championship trophy. In conclusion, soccer and basketball are good sports to play. Some might say basketball is only for tall people; however people of all heights can enjoy it if they put in the extra effort in any sport. Also some might say soccer leads to many injuries; nevertheless our technology is so advanced that it can helpShow MoreRelatedSoccer Popular Sport1035 Words  | 5 PagesWhy is soccer not perceived as one of the best sports in the United States? The United States was founded by the british. The most popular sport in great britain is soccer, but in the United States soccer is not the most popular sport. Soccer is viewed as a sport that isn’t very popular. Worldwide though there are 4 billion people who play the sport of football/soccer. Worldwide soccer is called football except in the United States where it is called soccer. The most popular sports in the unitedRead MoreSimilarities Between Soccer And Soccer1155 Words  | 5 PagesBasketball vs Soccer Essay Basketball, a sport that many people enjoy. A sport where two teams face off to see which one is better. A sport that uses their hands to guide a ball towards the hoop. Soccer, a sport that many people also enjoy. A sport where players use their feet to guide a ball towards the net. Two different, but same sports. Although many people might not think of it, there is a lot of similarities and differences between basketball and soccer The first difference that these two sportsRead MoreWomen Discrimination In Sports1572 Words  | 7 PagesOlympics. This is what Carli Lloyd, Olympic women’s soccer player for team USA, is fighting for. Carli joined four other teammates who wanted to fight for the same cause, they started by, â€Å"filing a wage discrimination complaint against the U.S soccer†in March of 2016. (Lloyd 1) She wanted to do this because she know that its right and fair. Even though the United States women’s national soccer team attracted the most viewers for the sport of soccer, they still generate $17.7 million in profit towardsRead MoreSpeech About Basketball759 Words  | 4 PagesJoelle Greif Writing- 3 December 19, 2017 The World of Basketball As I watched the basketball game I could hear the ref blowing his whistle every 10 seconds. I could smell the salty sweat dripping from the players forehead. Basketball is a fun and hard core sport that you can play with your friends, and against your peers. Today you will learn about how basketball is appealing, a both gender sport, good for your health, has great history, and will have a great future. Read MoreEssay Men Vs. Women in Professional Sports1450 Words  | 6 Pages Men Vs. Women in Professional Sports nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ever since the ancient Greece, men have held athletic competitions or sports. It is only in modern times that women have had an opportunity to compete. Most sports still don’t have men and women directly competing against one another. In the past athletic instructors adapted the rules to make sports less physically taxing for women. For instance in basketball, to ensure that girls maintain proper decorum, they were forbidden fromRead MoreMen vs. Women in Professional Sports1502 Words  | 7 PagesMen Vs. Women in Professional Sports Ever since the ancient Greece, men have held athletic competitions or sports. It is only in modern times that women have had an opportunity to compete. Most sports still dont have men and women directly competing against one another. In the past athletic instructors adapted the rules to make sports less physically taxing for women. For instance in basketball, to ensure that girls maintain proper decorum, they were forbidden from snatching the ball and dribblingRead MoreA Brief Note On The Best Sporting Memorabilia And Shoe Brand1041 Words  | 5 Pagesannual sales with 1,600 stores worldwide. Nike sponsors Michael Jordan who is arguably one of the best basketball players ever, Michael played for the bulls, and won the MVP of the NBA 5 times. He also won the championship with the Chicago bulls 6 times before retirement. Just from the Michael Jordan sponsorship Nike makes around $2.9 billion a year, dominating around 58% of the basketball shoe market. Nike always keeps fans on edge by never producing enough to keep up with the demand coming outRead MoreThe Role Of Women In Sports1541 Words  | 7 PagesOlympics. This is what Carli Lloyd, a women’s soccer player for team USA, is fighting for. Carli joined four other teammates who wanted to fight for the same cause, they started by, â€Å"filing a wage discrimination complaint against the U.S soccer†in March of 2016 (Lloyd 1). She wanted to do this because she knows that they deserve the same rights as males. Even though the United States women’s national soccer team attracted the most viewers for the sport of soccer, they still generate $17.7 million in profitRead MoreJames Naismith The Man Who Created Basketball853 Words  | 4 PagesJames Naismith the man who created basketball. As he watches his sport expand throughout the world. Then before he knows it he is coaching it. When he invented the gym he was offered the job to coach it at Kansas college. He only had 13 rules for the sport which you think is not very many, but those were the first 13 rules in basketball. As the game got more advanced he had to make more, and more rules for the game. Once the game was played everywhere it was held in the 1936 Olympics and he was theRead MoreSports And Society : Annual Review Of Sociology880 Words  | 4 Pagesthe points that were made in Washington and Karen’s journal would be the U.S. Women’s Soccer team compared to the U.S. Men’s Soccer team. Both teams receive bonuses for wins but if in the three scenarios of both teams either winning no games, winning half of their games or winning all 20 the men make more money in each scenario. The women who recently won the world cup and generated even more revenue for U.S. Soccer still receive less pay compared to their male counterparts. An explanation
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
food, nutrition and weight loss Essay Example For Students
food, nutrition and weight loss Essay Human beings require food to grow, reproduce, and maintain good health. Without food, our bodies could not stay warm, build or repair tissue, or maintain a heartbeat. Eating the right foods can help us avoid certain diseases or recover faster when illness occurs. These and other important functions are fueled by chemical substances in our food called nutrients. Nutrients are classified as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Although humans need food to survive, many people eat too much, or choose the wrong foods to eat, which leads to the body putting on weight. When you eat more calories than your daily energy requirements the extra calories are stockpiled as body-fat. Slowly these fat cells keep building up and settle on the hips, waist, thighs, upper arms and back, as well as around the heart, kidneys, liver and other organs. Fortunately body-fat can easily converted into energy, however, you must reduce your fat intake and exercise regularly. If you only reduce your fat and dont exercise, your body will also break down muscle tissue and use them for fuel. Many people struggle to lose weight that is put on and thats where weight loss companies come to the rescue. There are many different ways for weight to be lost, as there are many different sorts of weight loss companies. Firstly there is exercise centres such as gyms and recreation centres which focus on fitness as the key to lose weight, Many varieties of pills, tablets and vitamin supplements are available that claim to make you lose weight. Meal replacement programs are available where the consumer has a liquid drink instead of a meal and this provides them with necessary nutrients. Diet plans are commonly found in magazines as well as the more common weight loss centres which some supply you with foods to eat and others inform you and assist you in making wise food choices. Whatever weight loss program is chosen the consumer will be required to move more and eat less which can be a common mis-conception in overweight people wanting to lose weight. Overweight people sometimes have the wrong attitude towards weight loss and many think its impossible or will involve them having to do too much. This is where the advertising of the weight loss centres comes in promising them that they can still eat cake and chips and keep their quality of life. Another problem overweight people can have is that they often seek weights that may be biologically impossible to achieve or, if achieved, cannot be maintained. Weight loss centres can help overweight people reach their ideal weight by giving them mental help as well as physical help. The centres inform people of good nutrition and appropriate food choices and many combine support sessions with information sessions and some hold exercise sessions as well. To lose weight a person basically needs to exercise more and start eating a balanced and plenty of healthy foods. Although this may sound simple, a weight loss program will help an overweight person achieve their weight loss goals through advice and support they would not otherwise receive. Health Care .
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