Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Mp3s a new age problem essays
Mp3s a new age problem essays Music is beautiful, and the artists who create it are greatly appreciated. Music lets you escape reality or get you in touch with reality. Most people can relate to a lot of songs, the reason for this is because the artists who write the songs are in some way or another, just like you and me. In the last two years MP3s have become very popular over the Internet and on computers. The new fad deals with sharing MP3 files with other users by downloading the songs from their computer to yours. Is sharing songs between numerous users over the Internet a good or bad concept? Is it illegal and can you get into some legal trouble for doing this? MP3 is short for Moving Picture Experts Group, Audio Layer III, and is a compression format that shrinks audio files with only a small sacrifice in sound quality. MP3 files can be compressed at different rates, but the more they are scrunched, the worse the sound quality. So are they good or are they bad? Good of course! Well it depends on what you use your MP3 files for. If you use them on your own hard drive, for your own personal use and not on any other servers, then youre not a distributor. As long as you keep your MP3s in the privacy of your own hard drive and not on the web, its okay, because youre relatively harmless. You get to download a song and make up your own play lists of songs that you enjoy, without having to go out and spend your money on a CD that you might not end up liking. In most cases, after you heard the songs on your computer and find a band that youre musically interested in, youll buy that CD. One of the reasons that MP3s are so popular is because the y come with so much convenience. Most people would rather download a song then run out to the nearest CD retailer to buy one. Why are MP3s bad? The view of the recording industries is that MP3s are threat to their very ways of life. (Anonymo...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Comparison of Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness essays
Comparison of Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness essays Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness share parallel characters, ideas and dialogues, but most important is the distinct similarity between central themes. Each deals with the primitive, animalistic qualities stifled within the modern, refined man which will emerge indefinitely in the absence of civilization. The Kurtz's from each work abandon society and become engrossed in the primitive ways of the jungle, rediscovering their basest human instincts. On a superficial level, one could compare the characters of Heart of Darkness to those of Apocalypse Now. Marlow, on his downriver journey in Africa is a parallel to Willard, on his assassination mission on the river in Vietnam. Each man is on an intrinsic journey as well as a physical one, finding spiritual enlightenment in the darkest of places. The Kurtz's are obvious parallels, not only appellatively but also behaviorally, in that they feed on their instincts and desert their learned morals. Although both men are high-ranked military prodigies, the high attained from being coveted as a god among the natives causes them to depart from their ethics. Even the most minor characters, such as Phillips and Phillips and the Russian and the photojournalist are parallel. In both works, Kurtz is seen as the rebel. He has broken off from the rest of society and rebelled from the mores that had been imposed upon him, living by his instincts. The disenfranchised can be seen as the native Africans who are treated like animals and worked to death in camps in Heart of Darkness , and the civilian Cambodians in Apocalypse Now . In both works we see a genius turn rebel, choosing to join in the lives of the disenfranchised in order to be worshipped as a deity. There are also similarities within the dialogues of the novel and the movie.I don't want to bother you much with what happened to me personally?yet to understand the effect of it on me you ought to know how I got out there, what I saw...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Easy Jet Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Easy Jet Airlines - Essay Example The CEO - Stelios is known for exceptional decision-making and problem-solving skills (including correct analysis, comparison of alternatives, and selecting best alternative), Value driven; possesses qualities of honesty and integrity, Takes initiative and plans accordingly (includes planning, organizational, and time and conflict management skills), Holds accountability for actions, Knowledge in given field, Observant and reacts to employee/customer needs, Effectively assumes responsibility and rewards/punishes accordingly, Promotes team-building and relationship building. Stelios, founder and CEO of easyJet Airlines, want to offer low cost airlines to its customer & to become leader in airline industries. He believed that in order to be successful, it was important to be first to market and to saturate the geographic market. The main issue with the easyJet is that due to monopoly of European Airline Industry, it is very difficult to become the global leader in Airline Industry. Due to monopoly of European airlines, easyJet airlines are not able to enter in to the European countries. For that Stelios had done a lot of efforts to attract passengers towards easyJet. He offered low cost tickets, easy ticketing procedure through internet or phone call, and also he purchase some front seat tickets of an European airlines and send his employee in a uniform that is advertising for Easy Jet. It means some passengers traveling in an European airlines are advertising for Easyjet Airlines. To succeed successfully in the airline industry, a company must be led by a visionary leader with good decision making skills. The leader must be in-line with the organizational culture, promoting a favorable internal environment. In order to become the global leader, Stelios, founder & CEO of jet Airlines tries his hand in other business in 1999. Among his pet projects was the creation of a cyber cafà © business called easyEverything cafà ©. easyEverything will provide internet at lower cost (Less than a phone
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Life Science Reflections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Life Science Reflections - Essay Example It is different when we understand the science of life. Through it, we see the relationship of life within and without them and all needing each other to support and sustain life. By studying life science, I understood that all lives are interrelated. This relationship is not limited to lives other species but also to the internal mechanism within the body of each living organism. Within it, there is a universe of functions that make an organism breathe, move, fly, walk and any other function associated with life. Life science also makes me appreciate nature more. By understanding how the birds fly and how the fish able to stay underwater makes me wonder about the life mechanism that makes them do these things. I also understand that the forest is not just a bunch of trees but a collection of life that needs each other to live and thrive. I also learn that they are better off on their own as nature have its own way of taking care of its own. I also realized that we humans are in fact the biggest threat to lives other than ourselves. Corollary to this, I fully understood what ecosystem is really all about. I realized that it is not just the interrelationship of lives in nature that needs each other survive. It is a principle of creating the ideal environment that sustains life and activity. It tells us human beings not to disrupt them because each creature, each life is important for the entire cycle of life to exist. This principle can even be applied to our lives of not disrupting the ecosystem that makes us thrive. Through the understanding of life science, I also learn how to become more respectful of life and how take care of life more. I saw their strength and their weakness as well. They can be fragile when abused but can quite be resilient when left on their own. I also learned that nature has its own way of healing itself. I also learned that
Sunday, November 17, 2019
ESP Course at Technical Secondary Vocational School for Construction and Building Trade students Essay Example for Free
ESP Course at Technical Secondary Vocational School for Construction and Building Trade students Essay The paper is about ESP course in technical secondary school to construct the trade students. The paper first discuses the meaning of ESP and then tells about its characteristics. It discusses the role of English as a trade and finance language globally and then further narrates the various steps that are being taken by various countries’ governments to promote English for Specific Purposes programs for its workforce. The paper reflects that these governments understand the importance of introducing ESP courses at secondary level so that their people can comfortable choose the vocational field of their own choice. This paper offers a research of made efforts especially by Asian countries. There are three reasons for the emergence of ESP (Kristen Gatehouse, 2001): i) The revolution in linguistics; ii) The demands of a Brave New World and iii) Focus on the learner ESP has some following characteristics (Kristen Gatehouse, 2001): †¢ ESP is to fulfill some particular requirements of the learner. †¢ ESP includes grammar, lexis, skills and varieties of activities. †¢ ESP can have some particular disciplines. †¢ ESP is mainly planned for intermediate or advanced students. †¢ ESP is planned for adult learners who can be at secondary level also that is in a professional work situation. According to Dudley Evans and St. John (1998), there are five major roles for an ESP practitioner: i) course designer; ii) teacher; iii) researcher; iv) collaborator and v) evaluator (Kristen Gatehouse, 2001). David Carter has categorized ESP in three parts (Kristen Gatehouse, 2001): †¢ English with some particular topics †¢ English for Occupational and Academic Purposes both †¢ English as a Restricted Language English with some particular topics transfer from purpose to topics and it is generally used by the scientists. Hutchinson and Waters have made three divisions of English for Occupational and Academic Purposes: a) English for Business and Economics that is EBE; b) English for Science and Technology that is EST; c) English for Social Studies that is ESS. English as a Restricted Language is used by traffic controllers and by waiters (Kristen Gatehouse, 2001). According to Carter (1983) ESP courses have three common features (Kristen Gatehouse, 2001): †¢ Authentic Material †¢ Purpose Related Orientation †¢ Self-Direction Dudley Evans (1997) has argued that ESP should be recommended at secondary or intermediate level. His argument was that at this stage authentic leaning material is very practical that can be modified and unmodified in form which makes it ESP’s main characteristic. It emphasizes on self directed study and research tasks. Most of the students were evaluated on the basis of independent study assignments for doing language preparation for Employment in Health Sciences where the learners needed to make researches and they had to show their area of interest. The students were motivated to make researches by using various kinds of resources including internet (Kristen Gatehouse, 2001). In the 21st century the function of English has become as the language of trade, technology and finance. This language is bonding the rest of the business world for international trade and economic development. The children who belong to this globalize age, it has become necessary for them to get hold of the communication abilities in English as a business and trade language (Dorothea C. Lazaro and Erlinda M. Medalla, 2004). As ESP program is spreading in various countries on different levels, in Czechoslovakia it began in 1991 that aimed to promote the teaching of ESP in the Technical Universities and their allied institutions (Serena Yeo, 1995). Presently the aim of the course is almost same but there are some changes to use it at some broader aspect to make it more influential. It aims to increase the confidence of teachers at secondary level. Various kinds of seminars are conducted by the advisors for the university lecturers and ESP teachers of vocational and specialist secondary schools (Serena Yeo, 1995). In many developing countries of Asia, the altering demands of the labor force are daring the utility of traditional schooling and university education. People want the assurance the skills and the language learned at school will help them professionally. In Japan, ESP is being widely recognized and ESP training programs are being given importance. The main idea is to motivate the students by improving their communication skills which later help them to adopt the professional field of their choice. China is also vigorously executing English proficiency training programs to motivate its people. ESP courses are being introduced at secondary level. In Taiwan, English has become compulsory subject at junior and senior levels in schools. Hong Kong is also following the same trend (Dorothea C. Lazaro and Erlinda M. Medalla, 2004). Now there is a hope that these motivations on various levels in many countries can have a bright future for ESP that is being understood a major effort to build the future of students professionally or vocational level. For making it more successful the role of teacher is also being assumed very significant. So it can be observed that the teaching of ESP at vocational level is very much demanding everywhere in schools.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Essay --
â€Å"Join, or Die†Rhetorical Analysis Looking back in American history, it is needless to say that there were many trials and tribulations that were overcome to achieve the freedom U.S citizens have today. In retrospect, it is astonishing how the colonists were oppressed by the British for more than a century and finally joined together with courage to revolt against them. This type of revolution would not have been alive if it were not for the art of rhetoric. Political icons in American history used rhetoric to stoke the wrath of colonists to revolt against the British. Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin, significantly used visual rhetoric to persuade the colonies to unite together with his first political cartoon entitled, â€Å"Join, or Die,†which was published in the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1754. Benjamin Franklin used his credibility to establish a well-crafted rhetorical illustration, in which its symbolization, initials, and caption all play an active role in the ground breaking drawing, which changed the minds of colonists towards the pursuit of freedom that is exercised today. Benjamin Franklin’s reputation during this time is what fueled â€Å"Join, or Die†to be more than just a drawing. He contributed many scientific inventions as well as insightful publications to society. His contributions earned him the credibility and reputation for being an intelligent individual. â€Å"Join, or Die†was the first political cartoon to be published in a newspaper like the Pennsylvania Gazette, indicating that impacted drawings such as this were not familiar to the public yet. Due to Franklin’s positive and respectful ethos, this political cartoon was taken with more consideration, instead of being tossed off as a mediocre sketch in a newspape... ... towards the colonies that are individually recognized. The failure to independently recognize each of the thirteen colonies in their own respect hinders his degree of persuasion towards his audience. Although there were snags in Benjamin Franklin’s political cartoon, it nevertheless accomplished its goal of persuading the colonists to band together as a harmonized force against the British for freedom. It is undeniable that Benjamin’s Franklin’s rhetorical methods were successful in his political cartoon, â€Å"Join, or Die†. The visual captured the minds of many colonists and led them towards the idea of revolution, and it is still appreciated today. Although there were drawbacks in the illustration, it nevertheless accomplished persuasion, and it is one of the many contributions that pushed colonists into fighting for the freedom that is exercised in America today.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Improving Writing Needs Essay
Similarly, there had been many studies that seek to show on how to improve the overall capabilities of individual writing particularly among international students. One example is the contribution of Petersen wherein she addressed the needs of international students as far as writing is concerned. She made emphasis on the idea of reaching out and helping international students cope with the challenges of writing. â€Å"If all of us give common messages to international students, making our expectations explicit, we may be able to help them reach higher levels of proficiency in American academic English sooner. †(Petersen, 2008) One of the challenges presented by Petersen as far as student writing is concerned involves international students’ difficulty in coping with timed writing assignments and essays. â€Å"As the complexity of the thinking involved in the task increases and the processing time decreases, grammatical and syntactical forms the student can normally control tend to break down. †(Petersen, 2008) Due to this, the teacher must create effective strategies to enhance writing but at the same time maintaining the challenge of time constraints in the activity. This is just one of the problems elaborated by Petersen in her article. By being constantly aware of these challenges and anticipating the occurrence of the problem, teachers and educators can have an active and firm stand in increasing the competency of international students in the realm of writing. Enhancing Reading Skills Another important facet in the facilitation of education is reading. For students to fully acquire and develop the skills that are given to them in the classroom, effective reading must be made. However, this may seem to be a problem of international students as the pace and degree of learning is halted or slowed due to several constraints. Due to this, teachers must create active scenarios that will enhance student reading capabilities particularly among international students. The study of Brassell and Furtado examines the way vocabulary can serve as a hindrance in the development of better reading for non-English students. These barriers can serve as an impediment for learning and enhancement of information. â€Å"Many barriers prevent English as Second Language learner from grasping new vocabulary, but one of the biggest challenge is the minimal time teachers devote to vocabulary instruction. †(Brassell and Furtado, 2008, p. 110) Several facets of the English language remain to be difficult for international students to understand. By actually helping international students become aware of these and minimizing such occurrence inside the classroom, they can be able to adopt, enhance and develop their reading skills which are necessary in their education. â€Å"Beyond providing students with lots of interesting books, teachers should facilitate a variety of vocabulary activities for their students. †(Brassell and Furtado, 2008, p. 115) Conclusion With these, personal involvement may be a good approach in further enhancing the realm of developing reading and writing skills. International students deserve extra care and attention for they are still adjusting to the current trends of the educational environment. â€Å"Student perceived issues do not always match educator-perceived issues; nevertheless, eliciting information from the students allows them to become part of the solution. †(Lee, 1997, p. 100) It is therefore necessary for every teacher and educational institution to create efficient and effective scenarios that will cater to the needs of international students. By doing these things, the welfare of international students are taken into consideration. Different methods and schemes may have been in place, the action now goes back to educational institutions and teachers to actively take part in the process of developing skills needed by students to actively combat the challenges brought about by society. References Arkoudis, S.(2006) Teaching International Students: Strategies to Enhance Learning in Centre for the Study of Higher Education. [online] Retrieved May 12, 2008 from http://www. cshe. unimelb. edu. au/pdfs/international. pdf Brassell, D. and Furtado, L. (2008) Enhancing English as a Second Language Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge in The Reading Matrix. 8 no. 1 [online] Retrieved May 12, 2008 from http://www. readingmatrix. com/articles/brassell_furtado/article. pdf Koffolt, K. and Holt, S. L. (1997) Using the â€Å"Writing Process†with Non-Native Users of English in New Directions for Teaching and Learning. no. 70 Retrieved May 12, 2008. pp. 53-61 Lee, D. S. (1997) What Teachers Can Do to Relieve Problems Identified by International Students in New Directions for Teaching and Learning. no. 70. Retrieved May 12, 2008. pp. 93-102. Nelson, G. L. (1997) How Cultural Differences Affect Written and Oral Communication: The Case of Peer Response Groups in New Directions for Teaching and Learning. no. 70. Retrieved May 12, 2008. pp. 77-85 Petersen, L. (2008) Writing Needs of International Students. Retrieved May 12, 2008 from http://www. cgu. edu/pages/949. asp
Sunday, November 10, 2019
History: Sociology and Karl Marx Essay
Sociology is the study of people within a society. Three important Modernist Thinkers; Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber are the three important figures in sociology. During the time of the modernist thinkers, they played a role in sociology thinking. This paper will explore the importance on why these three figures are considered modernist thinkers. What there main focus was and how they are considered a modernist thinker. Karl Marx was born in 1818. He was a German philosopher who believed that material goods are part of the social world. Marx was committed to revolutionist. Marx was trying to influence the social movement. According to Marx, the ideal government would be a communist state where resources are equally shared. Marx was involved in political and social issues which later on lead to more a communist theory. Marx theory on history is focused on whether or not society will rise and fall. Based on this theory Marx was influenced by Hegel. Marx belief on history evolved from many unpredictable directions. Marx was trying to explain the analysis of capitalist within societies and the economic failures that were produced. He suggested different socialist remedies. In the article â€Å"Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s philosophy of Right†by Karl Marx, â€Å"The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society†in other words Marx was thinking about how a human being could exist. Religion is dependent on economics such as â€Å" state and society†Marx explained that capitalist takes more of our productive labor where as religion we believe there is a god or to be called that there is a god. Accordi ng to Karl Marx, alienated labor is the process of capitalism. We create dominates us. The difference of alienated labor is â€Å"the relationship of the worker to the product of labour, the second is the relationship of the labour to the act of production, and lastly is the difference is man is a species-being not only in that practically and theoretically he makes both his own and other species into his objects†(15) this is the consequences of man alienation of production from work. Therefore man is opposed from himself. Social change fits with Karl Marx perspective because Karl Marx believed there needed to be a better society and with a social change there was going to be conflict. One of the conflicts was the class conflict, the capitalist. With social change he was able to produce a better society even though there were going to be economic problems. Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist argued that society had to be studied on its own. He was the primary of society. In Durkheim’s perspective society influences individual through norms and social facts. The way an individual think or acts is constituted as a proper domain which is defined as a â€Å"constraint†in Durkheim perspective. â€Å"Constraint†is used to identify the reason behind social facts. A constraint holds power over an individual and becomes stronger over reaction. He believed that societies are held together by values. Durkheim main focus was the concern of social order, how does modern society hold together given the individualism of an individual. In the article Suicide Durkheim connects division of labour and anomie. In Suicide he connects the analysis of suicide, by exploring the different rates, different places and to explain how they are different. Emile Durkheim treats religion by according to the article â€Å"In the Human Meaning of Religion, Durkheim differentiates religion in the context of social life. It states: â€Å"religion is a mirror of society and that in fact what people take to be the realm of the sacred is society itself†(68), in other words religion is a reflection of society. The importance function of religion is to make us act. He states: â€Å"If among certain peoples the ideas of sacredness, the soul and God are to explain sociologically, it should be presumed scientifically that, in principle, the same explanation is valid from all the peoples among whom these same ideas are found with the same characteristics†(68). Based on this article religion is the meaning of life, it provides support and authority figures. Religion impacts and influences society and effects different social norms an individual. Based on my understanding social change does fit with Durkheim perspective. Therefore; in the article Division of Labour in Society, Durkheim focuses on the origin of connecting individual with one another with society, he analysis the social change and explains the conflict in modern society. In Durkheim perspective what unite us is called â€Å"social solidarity†which brings individuals together. In the article it states: â€Å"Society it not seen in the same aspect in the two cases. In the first, what we call society is more or less organized totality of beliefs and sentiments†¦ the society in which we are solidarity in the second instance is system of different, special functions which definite relations unite†(107) meaning solaridity is based on similarity because it binds us together but is different because we are different people. With Durkheim producing social change it was reduced by social reform. Max Weber was a German sociologist. Weber agreed with Marx that individuals had to fight to protect their own property and interest. He also agreed with French sociologist Durkheim; that people interest is determined by shared values. Weber believed in causality. There were multiple causes on why people behave the way they do according to him. He also believed that society is more of rationality and bureaucracy. Sociology should be more of a social action according to Weber. Weber work was the process of rationalization. Rationalization is where rules and laws dominate sectors of society in the model of a bureaucracy. According to Weber â€Å"Class, Status, Party; the way in which social honor is distributed in a community between typical grounds participating in this distribution we may call the ‘social order’. The social order and the economic order are, of course, similarly related to the ‘legal order’ (102), class, status and party was a source of social conflict that became a social difference. Class and status influences one another where as†‘parties’ live in a house of power†(106) in other words Weber was trying to explain that these spheres are connected by distribution of power. Status makes up the social order and classes are the economic order each promotes power and social change In the article â€Å"Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism†focuses on the religions ideas and economic behavior as part of the rationalization of the economic system. It states: â€Å"We can treat ascetic Protestantism as a single whole. But Since that side of English Puritanism which was derived from Calvinism gives the most consistent religious basis for the idea of calling , we shall, following our previous method , place one of its representatives at the center of the discussion†(158).Weber explore the emergency of capitalism was by an ascetic spirit of sacrifice. The development of capitalism was influences by Calvinism. In the society of this time they had more highly capitalist who were Protestants. Social change fits with Weber perspective because in the article Bureaucracy, it states â€Å"The principles of office hierarchy and of levels of graded authority mean a firmly ordered system of super- and subordination in which there is a supervision of lower offices by the higher ones†(89) bureaucracy is a social order where as the authority who changes the order it becomes a social change to society. In conclusion three important figures of sociology were Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. Each three were considered modernist thinkers for sociology. Even though they all had different theories and ideas, Marx believed economics was the force of social change where Weber though religion was. Reference Emile Durkheim selections from â€Å"Division of Labor in Society†From Scott Appelrouth and Laura Edles (eds.) Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory (Pine Forge Press, 2008) Emile Durkheim selections from â€Å"Suicide†From Scott Appelrouth and Laura Edles (eds.) Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory (Pine Forge Press, 2008) Emile Durkheim â€Å"The Human Meaning of Religion†From Peter Kivisto (ed) Social Theory: Roots and Branches (Oxford University Press, 2008). Karl Marx â€Å"Alienated Labor†From Peter Kivisto (ed) Social Theory: Roots and Branches (Oxford University Press, 2008). Karl Marx â€Å"Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right†From Christopher Hitchens (ed) The Portable Atheist (Nation Books, 2009) Max Weber â€Å"Bureaucracy†From Peter Kivisto (ed) Social Theory: Roots and Branches (OxfordUniversity Press, 2008). Max Weber â€Å"Class, Status, Party†From Peter Kivisto (ed) Social Theory: Roots and Branches Max Weber selections from â€Å"Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism†From Scott Appelrouth and Laura Edles (eds.) Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory (Pine Forge Press, 2008).
Friday, November 8, 2019
What Is Subrogation Should You Waive It
What Is Subrogation Should You Waive It SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Signing up for car insurance and not sure if it's worth it to pay a premium to waive subrogation? Or maybe you've been in an accident and the other person has offered to settle with you if you sign a waiver of subrogation- should you do it? What is subrogation, really? Before you decide, you'll need to understand what subrogation is and why you would (or wouldn't) want to waive it. In this guide, we define subrogation and explain when and why it occurs to help you make an informed decision. What Is Subrogation? In layman’s terms, subrogation occurs when Person A owes something (usually money) to Person B, and Person C steps in and legally takes Person B’s place (including the rights to what Person A owed to Person B). An example would be if you owed money to a loan company and someone else bought your debt. The person who bought your debt could then use subrogation to have you pay them back the debt (even though you didn’t borrow any money from this person originally). Here’s the more technical subrogation definition: â€Å"The substitution of one person in the place of another with reference to a lawful claim, demand or right so that he who is substituted succeeds to the rights of the other in relationship to the debt or claim, and its rights, remedies, or securities.†(source: Black's Law Dictionary) You’re most likely to encounter subrogation when dealing with insurance claims, but it can also crop up in situations with guarantors (like co-signers of a lease or a loan). How Does Subrogation Work? Because the most common place people encounter subrogation is in dealing with car insurance, I’ll explain it through an example of a car insurance claim. Let’s say you're driving along the highway one day and you get into an accident with another driver. One of your brake lights is cracked, your rear bumper is hanging off one side, and you need a new paint job. To pay for the repairs to your car, you file a claim to your insurance company with the other driver’s insurance information and cross your fingers. If your insurance company determines the other party was at fault, they’ll pay the claim to cover the damage (minus your deductible). You get your car repaired, and your life goes on as usual. Behind the scenes, however, your insurance company will seek to recover their costs from the other party’s insurance company (or if that’s not possible, from the other party). It is the right of subrogation that allows your insurer to seek to recoup the money that they paid out to you in the claim from the at-fault party. For the most part, the only involvement you'll have in this whole process is if your insurance company chooses to pursue subrogation. If they do, they’re legally obligated to inform you and attempt to recover the cost of your deductible as part of the money they're seeking from the at-fault party. If your insurance company does pursue subrogation, they'll require you to cooperate with their subrogation attempt. Among other things, this means that you likely won’t be permitted to sign a waiver of subrogation after an accident or claim. What Is a Waiver of Subrogation? A waiver of subrogation means that you give up your right to have another party (usually your insurance company) attempt to recover what a third party owes you. Let's return to the example of car insurance for a moment. Most insurance contracts forbid you from signing a waiver of subrogation after you’ve already filed a claim. You may be able to sign one in advance of any accident if your insurance allows for adding waiver of subrogation endorsements to existing policies. If you do this, however, your insurance company might charge you an extra premium to try and minimize their losses that way. By signing a waiver of subrogation, you waive your car insurer’s right to try to recover their costs (including the cost of your deductible). You’re most likely to come across waiver of subrogation clause after an accident if the at-fault party in the accident or their insurance company attempts to settle with you directly (without going through your insurance company). They’ll want you to sign a waiver of subrogation so that they’re not at risk of being hit up twice for the same incident (once from you, once from your car insurance pursuing subrogation). In most cases, your own car insurance will require you to notify them if you’ve decided to sign a waiver of subrogation (just as they have to notify you if they opt to pursue subrogation against the at-fault party or their insurance). That way, your insurance company won’t waste time and legal fees trying to get back money the at-fault party already paid out to you. Should You Sign a Waiver of Subrogation? While signing a waiver of subrogation can save you the hassle of lawsuits and dealing with insurance claims, it also means you’re far less likely to be able to recover any non-out-of-pocket costs (like all or part of your deductible). If you let your insurance company pursue subrogation, they become responsible for all the legal fees and paperwork and hassle- all you have to do is wait and see if they’re successful in recovering any of your deductible. Therefore, you should be very cautious about signing a waiver of subrogation clause, either in your car insurance contract or for a settlement after an accident. Not only might it be forbidden if you’ve already filed an insurance claim and didn’t have a waiver of subrogation signed with your insurance company before, but it could also mean that you end up with a smaller payment than you would otherwise. The only reasons to consider signing a waiver of subrogation are if: you have sizeable out-of-pocket costs that you’re hoping to recover (since your insurance company can only pursue subrogation for costs they’re responsible for), OR you believe you’ll be able to get a more favorable settlement than your insurance company would Even in these cases, however, be aware that if you sign a waiver of subrogation after the accident, your insurance might refuse to pay all or some of your claim (making it imperative that you win your suit against the at-fault party or their insurance). Other Kinds of Subrogation Aside from dealing with car insurance, you might encounter subrogation claims in a few other situations. Subrogation will most often be at issue when it comes to various types of insurance, including homeowners’ insurance- and health insurance-related subrogation claims, but it can occur with contracts of any sort. In the next couple of sections, we'll discuss the other two most common ways you'll come across subrogation in your day-to-day life: health insurance and student loan repayment. Health Insurance Subrogation For health insurance, subrogation most often comes up in the context of personal injury lawsuits. If you successfully sue another party for medical damages, your health insurance will often make a claim for part of your settlement through their right of subrogation. This might seem strange at first, but it turns out there’s a good (and in most cases, fair) reason for this. As with car insurance, when you sign up for health insurance, part of what you agree to is that the health insurance company will pay your claims on the condition that it has the right to seek reimbursement for your claims from whoever is responsible. When you go to the doctor’s office, you’re the responsible party, which is why you pay your premiums and have a co-pay. When it comes to a situation where you’ve been injured in an accident by a third party and have successfully won a suit against them, however, this changes- that third party is now responsible for your medical bills. If your health insurance company is to get reimbursed at all for your medical expenses, it must be from that third party’s payment to you. They can’t claim it from the third party themselves – otherwise, you’d be getting doubly reimbursed (your medical bills paid by the insurance company + the settlement from the third party), and the third party would be getting doubly charged, which is against the law. So while it might seem unfair that your health insurance company gets part of the settlement, it makes sense. The good news is that you won’t have to pay more than the insurer would pay for the same services. For instance, if a hospital charges $2,000 for a lab test connected to your treatment but your insurance company only has to pay $400, you would only owe the insurance company $400 out of your settlement. Student Loan Subrogation Currently, the federal government offers direct student loans, which means the loans are offered directly through and guaranteed against default by the Department of Education. If you took out a federal student loan before 2010, however, your loan would have been guaranteed by a separate student loan guarantor agency. If your loan involves a guarantor of any kind, it could be subrogated if the agency that originally guaranteed your loan you sells off your loans to a third party. The most common case where this occurs is when the Department of Education buys back a loan from one of these agencies. Unless it is otherwise prohibited by law or the loan contract you originally signed, the Department of Education can then step into the shoes of the original student loan guarantor agency to collect the loan back from you, even if you had defaulted on the loan. Besides causing you the financial burden of having to pay back a defaulted student loan, student loan subrogation will also have a negative impact on your credit score. Because the subrogation means that you now technically owe money to someone new (even though you haven’t taken out a new loan), your defaulted loan will reappear on your credit history and cause your credit score to drop. Subrogation Claims: The Bottom Line You can define subrogation as what happens when you owe something (usually money) to one entity and a second entity steps into the shoes of the first entity to collect what’s owed. Subrogation most often comes up in the context of car insurance claims, but it can be pursued under other circumstances as well, including health insurance claims and student loan repayment. In the context of insurance, you might be able to sign a waiver of subrogation endorsement before any issues arise for an additional premium. If you try to sign a waiver of subrogation afterwards, however, you might end up having your insurance claim partially or totally rejected. If you have a defaulted loan that gets subrogated, it will reappear on your credit report after subrogation because you now owe money to someone new What’s Next? Carrying a lot of student loan debt and not sure what the best way to pay it off is? Learn when and how to consolidate your student loans. If you have a bad credit score, what are your credit card options? Read our comprehensive list of the best unsecured credit cards for people with bad credit here.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Dutch Republic essays
Dutch Republic essays In 1650 the Dutch republic, a political union of seven provinces, was a formidable commercial, financial, and naval power. The wealthiest and most powerful province was Holland, dominated by the influential merchant elite of Amsterdam, the leading banking and trading center in Europe. For the Dutch Republic, the period from 1650 to the Peace of Utrecht (1713) was one of shifting alliances and a series of military conflicts with other European powers. There were many challenges to the security of the Dutch republic from 1650-1713. The Anglo-Dutch Wars with England from 1652-54, 1664-67 took a major toll on the security of the Dutch republic. These wars resulted from the first of the English Navigation Acts, which required that English goods be transported on English ships, which was a huge boost to the development of an English merchant marine. By this time, there was a great commercial rivalry between the English and the Dutch. According to Document 1, it is seen that many naval battles were fought along the coasts of both England and the Dutch republic. In these little wars, England was relatively successful. Shown in Document 3, the Dutch seized only 500 ships from the English, while the English siezed between 2,000 and 2,700 from the Dutch. By 1672, Louis XIV of France focused his attention on the Dutch, and started the third of the Dutch Wars, in which France overran the Netherlands. This war devestated the provinces , but in the Treaty of Nijmegen (1678-79), the Dutch obtained important concessions from France. According to Document 7, the Resolution of the Amsterdam City Council states, "Not only the French monarch, but other kings seem more and more to scheme how to ruin what remains of the trade and navigation of the Dutch republic...." Many countries in Europe knew the great wealth that the Dutch republic held, and they wanted to take control of that power for themselves. Once again, the Nether...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Collaborations in a Medical Team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Collaborations in a Medical Team - Essay Example The patient is the principal figure in this procedure and there are various steps to be followed in the recovery of the patient which must be to the satisfaction of the patient’s needs (Gorske and Smith, 2009).This essay gives an account of the primary and the secondary care of patients with mental illness. It outlines the various roles of doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers and the patient as members of the primary and secondary team and how various government trusts assist in the provision of health and social services for the treatment of a person with mental illness. This essay analyzes how collaborations in a medical team involving the treatment, and care of a person with mental illness is possible through relationship building and care planning. The paper outlines the practices and procedures of mental nursing in relation to service user partnerships. It analyzes the relationships that exist between mental patients, nurses and whether the mentioned relationshi p is a partnership. On most occasions the relationship between the medical teams involved and the patients is full of tension. Partnership is as a process where two or more individual, or bodies come together to jointly work for the benefit of one another.Heller et al, (1996), observe that the relationship between medical practioners and a patient is an example of a partnership (p.32). The aspect of user partnership means the provision of care services by the patient in collaboration with the medical staff, and the main aim is to achieve a common goal which is recovery of the patient. In a mental institution, user partnership takes an example of a collaboration of a nurse with a person with mental illness. It also involves the collaboration of the medical team in providing care services to the patient which can be primary or secondary care. Acheson (1999) observes that primary health care is the first contact of a mental patient with treatment of his/her condition since it brings ca re to the locality of the patient minimizing expenses involving hospital care (p.28). Primary care increases the recovery of the mental patient and reduces the chances of separating the patient from his family due to involuntary admission to mental hospitals. The care leads to better utilization of the available human resource facilities and reduction of stigma associated with terminal illness. Provision of primary health care in England is through public and private sector, and the following are the teams involved in the provision of such services. Doctors, health visitors, support staff, nurses/assistant practitioners, psychologists, counselors and social workers. The roles of these people are different but related. For instance the roles of the doctor is to diagnose the nature of the mental illness, however, he can’t perform this duty effectively without the assistance of a nurse. The role of the medical doctors is to perform diagnosis, while the duty of nurses and social workers is to make follow ups. From this analysis, doctors and nurses require each other’s services for effective care in the primary health care system. Psychologists and counselors play an important role in the care of a terminally ill person, and a counselor has a duty to build the confidence of the patient which is low due to stigma. These people cannot effectively utilize their services without the help of social workers and the support staff (Acheson, 1999). They assist a patient in understanding their mental condition and the help in offer. The patient is a member of the primary health team, and he has the responsibility of cooperating with the medical team for his/her recovery.
Friday, November 1, 2019
The strategic position of Thorntons PLC in 2003 Essay
The strategic position of Thorntons PLC in 2003 - Essay Example The internal performance of Thorntons Plc is multi-faceted, consisting of various aspects which are inherent in its operations. An internal analysis considers the company's culture, image, organizational culture, key staff, access to natural resources, position on the experience curve, operational efficiency, operational capacity, brand awareness, market share, financial resources, exclusive contracts, and patents and trade secrets. Simplifying all these generates three main considerations-resources, capabilities, and core competencies. Thus, for decision makers inside a firm, the main challenge is the identification, development, deployment, and protection of resources, capabilities, and core competencies (What Tools Are Useful in Assessing the Internal Environment n.d.). In business terms, resources refers to the inputs that goes into the firms production process such as capital equipment, skill, individual employees, patents, finance and talented managers (Dess, Taylor & Lumpkin 2005). Resource can be classified as tangible, intangible, or organization capabilities. The resource-based view of a firm emphasizes that a "firm can earn sustainable supra-normal returns if and only if they have superior resources and those resources are protected by some form of isolating mechanisms preventing their diffusion in the whole industry" (Resource-Based View of a Firm 2007). Furthermore, these supra-normal returns are possible only if resources are valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable, and non-substitutable (Dess, Lumpkin, and Taylor 2005). Tangible resources are relatively easy to identify. This category typically includes the physical and financial assets used to create value for the customer. In order to fully identify the tangible resources of Thorntons Plc, this report will divide them into financial, physical, technological, and organizational resources. 1. Physical Maintaining its reputation as one of the classic makers of indulgent confectionery, Thorntons Plc continues to use a larger proportion of manual processes in its production system. In the industry where almost all the manufacturing processes are mechanized, Thorntons take charge of the quality of its products by being fully different from its competitors. In terms of physical resource, the company becomes remarkable because of its minimal automated processes (Jennings 2003). Thorntons business is also highly dependent on its distribution channels specially its own stores. It should be noted that the company is recognized because of the number of its outlets in the whole United Kingdom (Jennings 2003). These stores have become instrumental in consistency of the services received by each customer. 2. Financial During 2003, Thorntons Plc reports total assets of 114.108 million, 27% of which is in liquid assets. Cash comprises a meager 14% of the current assets or 4.5% of the total resources. In terms of capital structure, debt finances 62.30% of its total resources while equity financing accounts for the remaining 37.7% (Thorntons Plc Annual Report 2003). It should
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