Saturday, August 31, 2019
Automotive E-Coat Paint Process Simulation Using FEA
By applying an electrical current, a thin paint film forms veer all the surfaces in contact with the liquid, including those surfaces in recessed portions of the body. The E-coat paint process deposits a thin paint film on the automotive body under the influence of a voltage gradient of about 200 to 300 volts. The water-based E-coat paint bath is conductive with an array of anodes that extends into the bath delivering a DC current. The paint film that forms has physical properties that resist corrosion (these appear only after the automotive body has been cured in an oven).However, as the paint film forms, its electrical resistance increases. In the past several years, two-dimensional (2-D) FEE models of the E-coat paint process have been developed for specific or limited applications. In this paper, we discuss a general three-dimensional (3-D) FEE method using ALGER software. This method can simulate the formation of the E-coat film and can thus predict its thickness at any point on the surface of the automotive body.Operational variables, such as voltages and process duration, are used to simulate the time-dependent interaction among the automotive body, the increasing paint layer and the liquid thin the E-coat bath. The method is based on a quasi-static technique that accounts for the changing material properties of the paint layer. A quasi-static approach is appropriate because the time required for the electric field to be established is much smaller than the duration of the paint deposition process.The actual time is simulated by considering a series of time steps, each of which requires an electrostatic solution. The E-coat film thickness is updated during each time step. A primary concern is how to model the changing FEE geometry due to the growth of the E-coat film. Technology has been developed that is capable of generating a film of specified thickness (as a function of position) on the automotive body. Because of symmetry along the longitudinal axis of the automotive body, only half the body was modeled.In addition, an enclosing box was constructed around the automotive body and features were created for the possible anode locations. Generally, there is little electrical interaction between two adjacent automotive bodies. Any net electrical current that flows into the leading and trailing surfaces of the enclosing box is considered negligible. The space between the outside of this box and the automotive body will be considered as the E-coat paint bath. Furthermore, the growth of the E- coat film is assumed to be perpendicular to the surface of the automotive body at all times.Laboratory experiments can establish an accurate estimate of the deposition coefficient of the E-coat film that forms in response to the flow of electrical current. The result of interest is the flow of DC electrical current that causes the E-coat film to form. The growth of the E-coat film is dependent on the number of Coulombs that are levered. In each iteration, the FEE model is solved for electrical current flow from which the E-coat film thickness can then be calculated. The material properties for each of the elements where the E-coat film develops are also changed in response to the growth in the E-coat film thickness.Another feature of a typical automotive E-coat paint system is the use of multiple voltage zones and differing locations where the anodes are placed in the E-coat bath. These factors affect the application of voltages in the FEE model. The appropriate voltage values must be added or updated for each new iteration as required. The primary use of the method is to predict how, as the paint layer forms, the effective electrical resistance increases, which prompts the current to seek out less resistive paths.Even though the paint film that forms has drastically reduced conductivity compared to the surrounding E-coat paint bath, it is not enough to stop its continued growth past the optimum thickness which is generall y about 25 p. A 3-D FEE model of the E-coat paint process would not only help he designers of a new automotive body obtain a more uniform paint distribution, but could be advantageous to existing assembly plants, as they explore means to reduce costs as well as make improvements to existing designs.It is well known that the layout of the anodes and the automotive body have a significant impact on the overall electrical resistance of the system, and thus the amount of current that must be delivered. In some circumstances, assembly plants are faced with the challenge of obtaining an adequate E-coat paint thickness on exposed parts of the automotive odd, while avoiding an insufficient thickness in recessed regions.The standard solution is to increase the overall voltage, which results in greater energy and material costs. The resulting E-coat paint thickness achieved on the exposed parts of the body is particularly costly because it provides for no additional corrosion protection. Usin g the method discussed in this paper, engineers can perform a variety of optimization exercises without incurring the high costs or risks of making operational modifications to the existing E-coat paint process at an assembly plant.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Gathering Research Data-Police Officers and Job Hazards Essay
What is the goal or purpose behind your proposed research? The purpose of this study is to identify the degree to which quality of performance by police officers is affected by actual hazards in the execution of their jobs. What type of interview structure would you use? Why? The interview will be structured to answer the two main questions; what hazards police officers are faced with? How does it determine the way an order is executed? Obviously, the interviewing questionnaire would consist of three parts. The first section will ask basic biographical questions pertaining to gender, length of time in the service among other items relevant to the study. Sections two and three would embody responses pertaining to the research hypothesis. It would be so designed to offer scope for comparative an analysis between the variables quality of performance on the jobs and hazards affecting execution of duties. It is important for it to be structured in this way to excluded biases in the study. As such the research would create a balance. This is expected to expose transparency and validity. What would be some questions you would ask? Why? Biographical data Age, sex, marital status, length of service, educational back ground and rank. Questions pertaining to work performance The likert scale could be used here to solicit responses. From a scale 1-5 five being the highest, rate the extent to which you love your job; what tasks you like performing best? (A list of duties will be offered to be circled); what are do you feel you perform best? A list of tasks will be offered as a selection) Questions pertaining to hazardsâ€â€A likert scale could be adopted for the first responses. Rate using the scale 1-5 five being the highest; how likely are you to proceed with the order of arresting a harmed criminal? How would you react if instructed to conduct a investigation in a know drug infested community (a list of options will be designed for selection). What is your perception of hazards in the execution of you duties? This would be an opened ended question without a structured response. These are the questions which would most likely offer the basis for a comparative analysis of the research. What are some distinct advantages of a qualitative data-gathering strategy, such as participant observation, over more quantitative approaches? It is a mater of subjectivity as against objectivity. Respondents during a quantitative research believe that they are expected to behave in a particular way so they act it. This violates internal validity. In a qualitative analysis the sampled populations do not know that they are being researched. Therefore there is no compromised behavior. Hence the criteria of validity can be precisely evaluated. The only subjectivity to the research are those influenced by the researchers’ paradigms. When conducting survey research, how important is informed consent and confidentiality? From the perspective of both the police as a public offer and the police as a researcher the question of informed consent and confidentiality borders on professional ethics; be it a professional researcher or police officer. It is therefore pertinent that legal rights to privacy be maintained at every level of institutionalized practice. The real importance lies in the fact that the legislated right to privacy must be adhered to. It spreads across vey discipline. Information derived from studies such as these are used to redesign public policy. As such the participants must give written or verbal consent for the information to be used for what it was intended. It must also be confirmed that information would not be shared to jeopardize their future.
The Gods Must Be Crazy
The funny film showed that the contrasting worlds of the civilized area and the primitive yet calm society of the bushmen manifest an also contrasting example of worlds in terms of the equation I = P x A x T, an equation formulated to describe the impact of human activity on the environment. [where Human Impact (I) on the environment equals the product of population (P), affluence (A: consumption per capita) and technology (T: environmental impact per unit of consumption)]. In the primitive population of the Bushmen, it would be believed and manifested in the film that their human impact on the environment of the Kalahari Desert is apparently less than that of the civilized world found on the city since the living Bushmen are not too many in number, they are just about twenty or so. Being primitive, they also had a very low level of technology. They are just using soft raw materials provided by their environment, thus, they cannot produce more products, putting their affluence also on a low level. In the civilized world somewhere in South Africa, the city, which is densely populated by busy civilized individuals (since the rise of the industrial societies equates to an exponentially increasing human population), greatly developed their technology which in return enormously aid in developing their affluence, has indeed a greater human impact on the environment of the area they are residing in South Africa relative to the primitive population of the bushmen living in the Kalahari Desert, as seen with the tall buildings, long roadways and road bridges and other landscapes that could attest to this great impact. The Gods Must Be Crazy â€Å"The Gods Must Be Crazy†This film tries to send a message on how globalization can negatively affect a culture such as the Sho tribe of the Kalahari Desert. The people of a technologically advance and â€Å"civilized†culture decide to casually discard an empty â€Å"Coca Cola†bottle from the window of an airplane. A member of the â€Å"primitive†Sho tribe witnesses this object falling from the skies and considers it a â€Å"gift from the gods†. In his mind this is an object to be worshiped and must have been sent by the Gods to benefit his tribe, therefore he gave it to his people.Prior to the introduction of the â€Å"Coca Cola†bottle the people of the tribe were peaceful, satisfied, and shared with each other. There was no sense of possession or greed, no jealousy, nor did they physically harm one another physically or purposefully. The tribe found many beneficial uses for this â€Å"gift†, such as making music, pounding on dough, and grinding flour. All of these things were accomplished before the appearance of the bottle, however now the task seemed to have been made easier.Since all of the members of the tribe had different uses and needs for the bottle, it became a commodity, a desired possession of value; it was no longer a worshipped object. This created discourse among the people and led to the physical injury of a child, due to a malicious act that resulted in hitting the child with the bottle. The tribe now felt shame at their behavior and questioned the â€Å"Gods†for sending them this â€Å"evil thing†, which the tribe removed from their presence and returned to their peaceful cultural ways.A current example of the above situation would be the introduction of cell phones and laptops to a culture based on home phones and office computers. One would consider the technological advances of cell phones and laptops as a gift, that will simplify their life, free up more personal tim e and save them money. Instead what has occurred is that you spend more time on learning how to use these items, you are now more easily available and thus more occupied, and you spend more money on the attachments and upgrades needed to keep these items current and functional.Now your life is more complicated and busier than ever, however unlike the Sho tribe most people in our culture cannot or more importantly will not go to the end of the earth (or their trash can) and toss them away. Another important point that this films illustrates is the differences in communications and personal views in different cultures. Such as how in most civilized cultures shaking your head from side to side indicates â€Å"No†or negative, however to the Sho tribe this gesture means â€Å"Yes†or positive.This causes a lot of confusion when communicating between the two cultures. There is a scene in the movie when the man from the Sho tribe sees a white woman for the first time, which accurately portrays the cultural differences in personal views and taste. He contemplates her appearance, her actions and physical build. Though the woman in her own culture would be considered quite pretty, normal and physically fit, to this man of the Sho tribe she was ugly, crazy and too fat.In his view the woman’s skin is too white, it was a very hot day yet she is fully covered in clothing, she has a large body shape and must require too much food to sustain her. This can be seen as a difference in opinion, if it were not for the extremity of the opposite points of view. The two cultures considered the woman in different ways because of what they are accustomed to as well as where and how they were raised. When thinking in terms of Globalization a person generally feels that their culture is the best.That their culture should be universal and those that follow other cultures are primitive, difficult, and wrong. Consider how some cultures attempt to change others through political, business, and religious means. For example the United States tries to influence other countries to change to a democratic system of government because it is the â€Å"best†, however they do this mostly to promote or facilitate the political agendas of the United States. Coca Cola uses the popularity of its products to influence other countries to buy more by inundating them with advertisements and business opportunities.As for religion, look at how many cultures within the United States now celebrate Christmas along with or in place of their cultural holidays that occur during the same time period. The movie for the most part points out the differences between a â€Å"modern civilized society†and â€Å"an old world civilization†and how they view life, religion, and politics in totally different ways. However there were also some similarities in the cultures which assist in the processes of communication, in business transactions, and political deali ngs with each other.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Work and Tools of a Surveyor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Work and Tools of a Surveyor - Essay Example This very well depicts that the area is a hot spot and opening a shop in this locality can be an added benefit. Since the proximity to upper parliament and market square is quite close, there is no doubt about the potentiality of the location. The construction of external walls is of bricks and concrete and roof is of concrete alone. The appeal of the building is unconventional and as a result reflects an element of antiquity to the outsiders. The window frames look fragile and not well maintained with defective glass panes. The interiors of the building was checked thoroughly in order to have an analysis of the defects in construction .This would help in understanding the short comings which could negatively affect the potentiality of the property and can give rise to excessive expenditure in future. Even though some areas were not accessible to be inspected .Apart from roofs to which access was not possible, the inspection took place from basement to second floor. The ladder was used for some areas in the ceilings in the look out for defects. At the time of evaluating the property was not occupied and was semi –furnished with well maintained carpets. The building is not in a very good condition and looks not maintained well. The doors have become weak and flooring needs to be refurbished. Ceilings are moderately in good form and skirting of the wall made of timber need some varnishing. The exterior of the building needs to be painted in order to retain a novelty appearance. The windows frame joints needs some finishing as the joints are visible. The window pane needs to be painted as its is fading and wood is detoriating and ageing. The lintel of the first floor main door is corroding and this can happen to other doors as well. The windows are single glazed and could be changed to double glazed if the expense allow. Some of the wood works are in poor condition and the mastics showing around the frame are shrinking. Bathrooms
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Fast cat Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fast cat - Term Paper Example It, therefore, provides an analysis and values of the status and objectives laid down in the FastCat strategy. The analysis done in the research was job-based in order to clearly identify and determine the differential work positions and roles in the FastCat organization. After analysis of the different roles in the organization, we chose to use a structure that meets the objectives of the organization. A flexible strategy is also favored by the organization. The flexibility of employees means that workplace relationship is solid and subsequently, customer service is also improved. This will improve the company’s competitiveness in the market as well as improving the company’s profits. Flexible strategy also allows employees to air in their contributions towards achieving a better, user-friendly and a focused workplace, an objective of the executive committee. A business plan set to guide through the realization of an organization’s objectives is a very important tool. Through some considerations, we decided to drop the traditional hierarchical strategy that puts in middle managers between the executive and the rest of the staff. Gathering the qualitative and quantitative tools in managerial duties, we identified the strengths and the weaknesses of each internal strategy that could easily work with the organization and the staff without any workplace conflicts. These considerations are the key reasons why we chose the flat internal structure strategy in the organization. The flat structure so chosen was predominant since it seems the easiest and the readiest structure that can uphold and spearhead the realization and enforcement of the objectives set by the organization. Keeping in mind the organization’s innovativeness and flexibility, this structure is without doubt the best structure for the research. Since this structure lacks levels in the middle between the middle
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Skin Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Skin Cancer - Essay Example This decease occurs more often in people with light colored skin who are exposed to the sun for significant periods of time. The occurrences are most likely in the skin that has the most sun exposure (e.g. hands, head, neck, face, arms, or exposed legs), but it can also occur on nearly any skin surface, so periodic self examination is critical for early detection (National Cancer Institute, 2008). Skin cancer concerns are being addressed by many agencies and community initiatives. One excellent example is represented by the Comprehensive Cancer Program in Columbus, Ohio. Healthy People 2010 Cancer-Related Objectives are targeted to reduce the overall cancer death rate from melanoma cancer by 7%, to 2.5 deaths in 1000 population (Healthy Ohioans, 2008). The achievement of this objective is contingent upon education and increased doctor visits for appropriate screening, Epidemiological trends or the incidence rate and subsequent control of this disease has decreased in recent years but has remained on the upswing worldwide, and specifically in Western countries. This is most likely due to the fact that the incidence and the death rate of persons that have cutaneous melanoma, has increased significantly in most fair-skinned populations throughout the world (British Journal of Dermatology, 2004).
Monday, August 26, 2019
Americans with disabilities act Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Americans with disabilities act - Coursework Example The act identifies disabilities as the commonly known disabilities in addition to certain medical conditions. The disabilities include deafness, blindness, and an intellectual disability, previously known as mental retardation among others. The medical conditions include autism, cancer, and cerebral palsy among others with an emphasis on the fact that the conditions must not be severe or permanent for one to get inclusion in the act (Schall, 1998). Americans with Disability act has played a substantive role in the employment perspective where it states that no organization shall discriminate against a qualified person with a disability. Despite such an aspect, different many controversies have risen between many organizations and people with disability regarding the aspects of the Americans with Disability Act. Such elements include the firing or refusal to hire an individual based on a real or perceived disabilities, segregation, as well as harassment based on any disability (Schall, 1998), with some instances resulting into court cases. One of such cases is the one involving Crews v. Dow Chemical Co., from which Americans with Disability Act have had a significant impact in the workplace. In the case, a human resources employee sued the employer after the employer’s restriction from various tasks pending fitness-for-duty evaluation, which contributed to the cancellation of her promotion, and later termination. The pla intiff alleged that the considering the employers noticeable hand tremors (Schall, 1998). From the revelation of the plaintiff, she had earlier received bipolar treatments and depression requiring a full-time paid medical leave, which the employer offered. On the expiry, of the full-time paid medical leave, the employee later applied for Social Security benefits, and long-term disability, issues considered from a physicians
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Importance of CSR and the issue of child labour in the cocoa Research Paper
The Importance of CSR and the issue of child labour in the cocoa Industry - Africa - Research Paper Example The experience of child labor issue in cocoa industry delivers significant lessons to the stakeholders who are related with the supply chain procedure of cocoa. It has been recognized that every stakeholder is liable for the issue of child labor in cocoa production and appropriate CSR initiatives must be applied for overcoming this issue. Child labor is considered as a sensitive issue in the international commercial practices. Child labor has existed since log time. In several nations, many children are used to suffering every day due to the bane of child labor and they grow with grueling memories which not only destruct their future, but the future of the nation as well. Among other industries, cocoa industry has been considered as one of the most vital sectors, which involves child labor by a considerable extent. During 2000 to 2001, a study of International Labor Office (ILO) reported that in West African region, children were being marketed and engaged in harmful and slave-like situations in cocoa businesses. Reviews were also conducted in the year 2002 in order to illuminate the occurrence of child labor in cocoa industry in several West African nations. From the review, it has been found that about 284,000 children were employed in cocoa firms with unsafe working situations. In a number of cocoa firms, it has been found that children perform for in excess of 12 hours in a day. These child laborers are less likely to take school education (International Labour Office, 2005). Children are considered as the future of a nation. However, it is apparent that a number of children are used for cocoa production in order to minimize the manufacturing expenses and make higher revenue. It can be observed that the key cultivators of cocoa are less concerned regarding this unethical trade practice. All stakeholders who are related with the long and complex supply chain of cocoa industry are responsible for the issue of child labor. It has also been
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Macro and micro economics analysis Research Paper
Macro and micro economics analysis - Research Paper Example Toyota Camry is one of the popular cars that are being manufactured by Toyota. The car is available in global market in two classes, such as Narrow-Body; Compact class and Wide-Body; Mid-Size class. The car under these segments has achieved huge fame since its establishment in the year 1982. Indian car industry is very much potential and year after year the demand of cars is increasing significantly. The target audience of Toyota Camry in Indian market is the people who are highly educated and enjoys high living standard. Both men and women over 30 years of age are the key target consumer of this particular product. Indian automotive and car market is highly potential and competitive enough. Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai Motors, Tata Motors, Ford Motors and Mahindra and Mahindra are the major competitors of Toyota in Indian market (Kotler, 2009). Maruti Suzuki is the leading player within the Indian Vehicle industry according to the market share figure 2010 (Figure 1). Microeconomics Market Mechanism: Demand and Supply Considering the market mechanism in India, historical facts help us to understand the Indian market. India started manufacturing automobile after 1947. Before Independence in the times of 1920, the Maharajas possessed cars especially of Rolls Royce as their status symbols. With time after independence, the need for a people’s car evolved and the middle class families also started to own cars. Initially the indigenous automobile companies captured the majority of market share but with the liberalization in government policies, the foreign automobile giants like Toyota started to invest in the Indian market. For launch of Toyota Camry, Toyota can look at the positive indicators of Indian market which indicates that the Indian car market is the fourth largest in the continent of Asia and stands out as the fifth largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles. The price elasticity of demand and supply in the Indian market are the key factors that Toyota would need to consider before the launch of Toyota Camry. It is to be kept in mind that the cars in India are considered as a luxury product. Also the Indian market consists of consumers ranging from lower class to lower middle class to middle class to upper class. Thus various sections of the society according to their levels of income make the Indian car market a mixed bag. Thus the price of cars in Indian car market is a significant factor as market responses largely vary with respect to changes in the car price. With unit changes in price of the cars, the demand of the cars in India would decrease and the supply of cars in India would fall. Thus the price elasticity of demand and supply for cars in India is greater than 1 showing the demand and supply id highly elastic with respect to price of cars in India. Also the rise in price of related goods of car like petrol, diesel also affects the demand and supply of cars in India. Thus the factor of cross-elasticity of indirect goods like petrol is also present in the Indian car market. The income elasticity on demand and supply in the Indian car market also needs to be considered for the launch of Toyota Camry. The factors of production for Toyota Camry with respect to its launch in the Indian market include an analysis of the demand and supply of the car market in India. The Indian car market was de-licensed in 1991 with the gates in automobile sector opened for 100% investment by the foreign
Friday, August 23, 2019
Project X Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Project X - Essay Example he form of auditing, internal controls, policies and procedures, budget restrictions, and the like all of which can be enforced at some costs given the assumption of symmetric information (Frame, 2003). The main techniques of risk monitoring include assessment, cross-functional teams, inspection, interviews, reports, observations and reviewing. The most usual ones of these are inspection and control charts, and it is possible to use flowcharting and trend analysis to see whether production facilities and budget to the norm or getting worse. However, these tools are used rather late in the day and are more to do with correcting errors and confirming that what is being delivered is what is required. More emphasis needs to be placed on making sure the correct quality or performance is specified at the outset and clearer recognition of the need for a well-motivated team that clearly understands the project. Some researchers underline that performance monitoring is a part of risk management and control. â€Å"Performance monitoring involves measuring operational activities, analyzing the resulting metrics, and comparing them to internally established standards and industry benchmarks to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of existing operations†(Risk Monitoring and Reporting, n.d.). For project X, the most effective monitoring and control methods will be assessment, cross-functional teams and inspection. Cross-functional teams perform an important role in organizations joining different project areas. To achieve the task requires clear definition, good planning, clear roles and responsibilities, appropriate resources and regular reviews as the project proceeds. Inspection (independent monitoring) will help managers to provide external analysis of the resources, current technological processes and compare them with established standards (applied to the industry in general). Interviews and reports can be identified as internal control methods, which allow a manager
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Law of E-commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Law of E-commerce - Essay Example With all arsenals pointed at streamlining electronic money institutions through legal, supervisory principles, the binding implementation provisions found quite a number of disparate legislative instruments that tended to hinder the functionality of the directives. The 2000 directives were the first attempts by the Union to harmonize EU e-money banking practices through legal frameworks (Vereecken, 2000). Unknown to the policy drafters was that the directives were headed for major legislative thrusts, which has since prompted the revision of e-Europe Action Plan on the same but with no tangible improvement as once anticipated. The provisions of the action plan of 2005 being the main EU e-money policy blueprint in this area was an updated version deliberated upon since 2000 (Penn, 2005). Indeed, the period of euphoria that characterized the adoption of the directive seemed to have died leaving the future of e-money regulatory legislations much less promising than never imagined. As a matter of fact, many new ideas never sprouted beyond their piloting stages. In essence, The EU e-Money directives were much more of wasted efforts than gainful strategies given that e-Money technology, to a grater extent, remains a figment of salesmen’s imaginations. Background of E-Money Regulations When e-money made a debut into the banking scene, almost all financial institutions in North America as well as the entire Europe took a noticeably stance well armed with different regulatory mechanisms. Rather than a ‘wait and see’ approach adopted by the United States, EU member states took immediate steps, to regulate e-money as soon as the technology appeared (European Commission, 2002). As early as 1994, EMI had recommended that only bank-issue e-money be legalized (EMI 1994; DeGeest 2001). The immediate established target as insinuated above comprised of standardizing measures with a wide spectrum of actions that included access to the Internet, as well as rais ing consumer confidence in IT-supported learning networks embodied in new electronic payment systems. Against a backdrop of concerns from different financial quarters, EU Commission pursued perspective was that proliferation of e-money without regulations could inhibit the proper functioning of the money market and stifle competition as well as innovation in the payment sector. What followed was a draft of directives on the same (EU Commission, 1998). Action Plans set out to achieve the objectives of the EU included numerous legislative measures. Among these were the Directive 2000/28/EC of the European Parliament in conjunction with the EU Council Directive 2000/12/EC touching on the conduct of business of credit institutions forming the first batch of e-Money Directives (EMI Directive, 2000a; 2000b). The second batch of e-Money Directives was the Directive 2000/46/EC from the same intuitions touching on prudential supervision of electronic money institutions (Long and Casanova, 20 02; 2003; EMI Directive, 200
Two Kinds Essay Example for Free
Two Kinds Essay She is a mother who got a second chance at having a family and is very controlling thinking she is doing what is best or her child. The narrator which is the daughter; she starts off as a normal child in the story, but the conflict between her and her mother causes her to be resentful and a underachiever. There is the father who does not say anything in the story but seems to agree with the mother. There is the Aunt Lindo that is really her mothers friend who seems to brag about her child Waverly; a character in the story who seems quite spoiled. And the piano teacher Mr. Chong who the daughter likes to refer to as â€Å"Old Chong†. He is a deaf piano teacher that has no idea that the daughter is not playing the right tunes. The mother who is very strict on her daughter, she did not think she was pushing the daughter to far. The mother felt the daughter was not trying hard enough, which she showed she was very disappointed. The mother went as far as insulting the daughter and blaming her or the way she looked. In the beginning of the story the was very excited to become a prodigy. She tried real hard to get it right and please her parents. The daughter tried real hard to find out what she was perfect at. That was until the daughter no longer felt like she would ever be perfect. She spent so much time believing that she was perfect and wanting to please her parents every time she could not do something right she knew how much her mother would be disappointed and she also disappointed herself as well. The daughters whole life revolved around her being a perfect little girl. The mother just new that there was something her daughter could master. The little girl started to doubt herself, but the mother tried everything she heard or seen these little prodigy kids in America do. The Mother started to get angry because she felt her daughter was not trying hard enough. The little girl started to believe that she was just an ordinary little girl, but knew that was not except-able to her mother. Her mother spent years comparing her daughter to these other children. She was trying to find her daughters hidden talent. The mother felt her daughter could do anything she put her mind to. I think the mother felt her daughter had chances that she never had in China and did not want her to ruin her opportunity. The daughter did not understand this she just wanted to be a normal little girl and have fun. The little girl was over trying to be perfect, but the mother was not ready to give up. The mother kept on trying to show her daughter how these other kids can do these things, and that she should be able to do them as well. The mother showed her disappointment time and time again, not knowing that she was making her daughter feel self-conscious and resentful towards her. The daughter new she was never going to be perfect, and being herself would never be good enough for her mother. The little girl started to feel anger towards her parents and wanted to rebel against them. The little girl feeling so much anger with her mother would purposely fail everything her mother wanted her to do. The little girl was hoping if she disappointed her mother enough she would give up on her the way the little girl gave up on herself. The mother refusing to give up felt she new her daughter would be great at something if her daughter would just put her mind to it she could do anything. So the mother just pushed harder not knowing she was pushing her daughter away from her and away from her dreams or her. The mother was so determined even know they could not afford lessons the mother made arrangements to trade work for piano lessons. I think the mother felt that at this point the daughter would see how hard she was willing to work for her and maybe appreciate it and work harder. The little girl felt differently she was angry towards her mother and felt as if her mother did not except her for who she was and she wanted to get back at her. The daughter practiced every day with Mr. Chong not even trying her mind wondering in other places. Mr. Chong was a deaf man who could only see her hand movements, so that is how he taught her. The girl caught on fast that Mr. Chong eyes could not keep up with her hands so she used it to her advantage not to learn. Mr. Chong so proud thinking she was listening to him he was very excited because she learned how to fake him out. The mother bragged about her daughter playing the piano everyday to her friend, although the mother never herd her play until the recital. The mother wanted so bad to see her child in front of the room making her proud like all of the other mothers before her, but when the little girl went up on stage the mother didnt know that she had been just wasting her time. The little girl even had her self fooled she for a second thought maybe she could play, well maybe if Mr. Chong thought she could play maybe it was true. As she played she seen the embarrassment on her parents face; the only one who seemed to enjoy her performance was Mr. Chong. The parents wanted to run out of the room, but know their pride could never allow them to do that they stayed until the end. The little girl wanted to show her mother that she was not what she wanted her to be, but was shocked and just wish her mother would say something. When they returned home the daughter taught the mother would give up on her; she thought she knew for sure that her daughter had no talent. The little girl sat down to watch TV which angered the mother. The mother did not give up she wanted her to practice. The daughter seen how angry the mother was and was scared, so the daughter not giving up the fight hit the mother where it hurt the most. The little girl told her mother she wishes she were not alive knowing how bad that ould hurt her. The little girl won the battle against her mother; the mother gave up all hope. I think the mother felt a piece of her self die that day knowing her daughter would hurt her so bad. I think the mother knew she was loosing the daughter. I think there was a lot of misscommunication between the mother and the daughter which is very realistic in real life. It makes you wounder how Amy Tan got where she is today. The mother wanted to start over and give her child the perfect life and the daughter just thought her mother just wanted her to be a perfect child. In the end it was very ironic because they both lost the battle against each other. They did not have a good relationship because they couldnt make scene of their differences. The mother pushed her child away from her and any talent she may have had. The child chose to not even finish college. I think the child forgave her mother when it was to late and the mother never found the words to say to her daughter until the end the stubborn lady still went back to the piano,and the child finally learned how to respect and listen to what her mother had to tell her about her talent. â€Å"Two Kinds†(Tan 1952, p. 524)
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
A Reflective Journal Entry
A Reflective Journal Entry In the majority educational situations, there is substantial energy expended as learners use critical-thinking skills to explore complex concepts central to their discipline. When learners systematically engage in significant thinking, they tend to expand insights not just into the concepts but in addition the learning process as well. Educators use various strategies in seeking the one best technique to engage learners actively in their learning. Abegglen, J. ONeill Conger, C. (1997) recognizes the significant contribution of critical reflection in the development of specialized knowledge and clinical expertise. Educators in education and nursing employ reflective learning journals to enhance creative and critical thinking among learners in the classroom (e.g., Allen Enz, 1986-1987; Hahnemann, 1986; Meyers, 1986; Meyers Jones, 1993; McCrindle Christensen, 1995) and in the practice setting (e.g., Alm, 1996; Sedlak, 1997). A few writers offer hold up for educators themselves to become inquiring teachers (e.g., Scho ¨n, 1987; Henderson, 1992) and other writers create models to enhance the teaching-learning process (e.g., McCaugherty, 1991; Hutchinson Allen, 1997; Riley-Doucet Wilson, 1997; Scanlon Chernomas, 1997; Wong et al., 1997; Kember et al., 1999). It is significant to note that this strategy of reflective learning journals promotes learners to turn out to be active learners. Definition: Although the frequent use of reflection and reflective learning journals in the literature, there is no consensus regarding how to define these terms. This lack of clarity creates tremendous difficulty in terms of operationalizing the ideas and in addition in comparing research findings Boychuk, (1999). Boyd and Fales (1983) define reflection as the process of internally examining and exploring an issue of concern, triggered by an experience, which creates and clarifies meaning in terms of self and which consequences in a transformed theoretical perspective (p. 100). This definition is widely used and appropriate to this research exploring the application of the Scanlon and Chernomas (1997) model. For purposes of this research, reflective learning journals refer to written documents that learners create as they think about different concepts, events, or interactions over a period of time for the purposes of gaining insights into self-awareness and learning. Regarding reflection as together compound and indefinable, Pierson (1998) suggests that reflection is a purposeful inter-subjective process that requires the employment of both calculative and contemplative thinking (p. 169). She expresses concern that calculative thinking (e.g., listing daily activities) instead of contemplative thinking (e.g., employing an interactive, conversational style of writing to expand self-awareness and understanding) may be more the norm in practice. Reflective thinking requires a trusting relationship if one is to write about individual thoughts, feelings, and experiences honestly; sufficient time to consider ideas significantly; active involvement; participation of self; and assurance. Assess, the root word of assessment, comes as of the Latin word assidere, which means to sit beside, to observe, talk by means of, and learn as of one another (Conrad, 1995). Traditionally, the word assessment has referred to the way teachers assign letter grades on tests and quizzes. Assessment has in addition been used as a way to discuss teaching effectiveness (Garfield, 1994). However, assessment is now taking on a new meaning. It should be a dynamic process that continuously yields information about learner progress toward the achievement of learning goals (Garfield, 1994). In order for assessment to be considered authentic, it must focus on whether or not learners can apply their learning to the suitable situations (Conrad, 1995). Methods used to measure learner learning range as of traditional standardized testing to a more organic, authentic approach to assessment. The current dispute in educational assessment stems as of the debate flanked by behaviourist and constructivist educators. Behaviourist theory originated as of the work of Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner and focuses on changes in behaviour that result as of stimulus-response associations made by the learner (Standridge, 2002). The learners are active respondents in the learning process and should be given the opportunity to demonstrate their learning through observable and measurable behaviours (Ormrod, 1999). Standardized testing is one of the most obvious ways to observe and measure changes in behaviour. Although they are easy to score and interpret, these tests imply that there is a separation flanked by knowledge and the learner (Worley, 2001). This method of assessment simply offers a way for assigning numerical scores to observa ble behaviours but does not reveal how the learner learned or how they will be able to use their learning to solve problems (Garfield, 1994). On the opposing side of the debate, constructivists argue that learners cannot continue to merely acquire knowledge and demonstrate it through observable and measurable changes in behaviour. Instead, learners must construct the meaning of knowledge as they learn it. Constructivist theory is based mainly on the work of Dewey, Piaget, and Vygotsky and stresses that learning involves an active process in which learners construct meaning by linking new ideas by means of their existing knowledge (Jones Brader-Araje, 2002). Knowledge does not exist outside of the learner. According to Kant, the mind offers the categories of knowing, while the real world offers the content. Knowledge is thus always a construction of the minds interaction by means of the world and cannot be reduced to one or the other (Elkind, 1998, p. 113) In reality, learners come to the classroom by means of a wide variety of prior experiences, knowledge and beliefs that may be cultivated to offer meaningful life-long le arning (Jones Brader-Araje, 2002). Therefore, alternative assessment methods such as recordings, checklists, diaries, portfolios, learner debriefings, peer conferences and reflective journal writing are necessary inside a constructivist classroom (Worley, 2001). Journal writing is the recording of daily events, personal reflections, questions about the environment, and reactions to experiences (Dyment OConnell, 2003). According to Chapman, it should reflect various types of writing as well as levels of complexity related to the task assigned in the prompt (Chapman, 1990). Instances of authentic writing in the journal include open-ended entries, where the learner constructs an entry using background knowledge, or short answer entries that demonstrate understanding of the content taught (Chapman, 1990). Journal writing can become one of the most significant components of the assessment process because it has the potential to promote critical thinking. It in addition reinforces the significance of writing across the curriculum by means of an emphasis on process rather than product, allows for personal expression, and serves as a record of thought. Journal writing helps learners understand how they learn and it gives a voice to those who are not good at expressing themselves orally. Finally, because reflective journal writing requires active participation, the learners take ownership of their learning Brookfield, (1998). According to Atkins, (1993), reflective journal writing serves four purposes for the learner and three for the teacher. The authors studied the journals, observation notes, conference notes and course-related projects of 34 learners in their first course of the teacher education graduate program at South-eastern University. For learners, journal writing serves as a permanent record of thoughts and experiences; establishes and maintains a relationship by means of the instructor; offers a safe outlet for frustrations and concerns; and aids internal dialogue. For the teacher, reflective journal writing serves as a window into learner thinking and learning; establishes and maintains a relationship by means of the learner; and serves as a dialogical tool. Finally, reflective journal writing offers an opportunity for both the teacher and the learner to assess learning. As Atkins, (1993) discovered in his research on more than 20 learners in his advanced mathematics course, reflective journal writing offers learners by means of the opportunity to express connections flanked by previous knowledge and new knowledge. Although one of his Iranian learners struggled by means of English vocabulary, he was able to describe a mathematic word problem in his own words by using connections to his culture Atkins, (1993). Reflective learning journals are recognized as a significant tool in promoting active learning among nursing learners. Essentially, nurse educators strive to encourage learners to think about past experiences, current situations, and expected outcomes of their actions so that they can explain what they do in the clinical setting and why. In other words, nurse educators seek to promote professional practice that is reflective rather than routine. The purposes in this paper are to discuss the application of two models of reflection to a set of reflective learning journals and to offer some recommendations for educators, researchers, and learners. Using a three stage model of reflection Alm, (1996), 52 nursing learners explored managerial concepts. The major findings indicated that learners may be categorized, according to Alm, (1996), as no reflectors (i.e., lack proof of purposeful appraisal), reflectors (i.e., demonstrate insight through analysis, discrimination, and evaluation), and critical reflectors (i.e., indicate a transformation as of initial viewpoint). The foundations for professional practice begin inside the educational system. Educators begin the process of assisting aspiring professionals to learn how to learn. Reflective learning journals have become a significant tool in nursing education to promote active learning among learners. Fundamentally, nurse educators strive to encourage learners to think about past experiences, current situations, and expected consequences of their actions so that they can explain what they do in various professional settings and why. Put another way, nurse educators seek to promote professional practice that is reflective rather than routine. The purposes of this paper are to discuss the application of two models of reflection to a set of reflective learning journals and to offer some recommendations for educators, researchers, and learners. The two models include the three stages of reflection Cavanagh, (1995) and the three levels of reflection Cavanagh, (1995). Conclusion: In conclusion, according to Conger, (1996), It is now widely accepted that successful professionals have to to reproduce upon their actions as mainly tasks they execute involve novel elements to which there are no described solutions (p. 18). The responsibility rests by means of educators to arrange professionals for reflective practice. Inherent in this accountability is the need to determine the extent to which learning actually occurs. Utilizing a model, as described in this presentation, offers strong evidence of learner learning. However, whereas the facilitation of learning stays by means of the educator, the final liability for learning resides by means of the learner. If we believe the words of Conger, (1996), we will all embrace the accountability plus joy of learning: Real knowledge gets to the heart of what it means to be individual. During learning we turn out to be able to do something we certainly not were able to do. Through learning we extend our capability to produce, to be part of the generative procedure of life. There is inside each of us a deep hunger for this kind of learning.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Poverty Within and Without Young Goodman Brown Essay -- Free Essay Writ
Poverty Within and Without â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†           How many readers have considered that the utter simplicity within the Nathaniel Hawthorne short story, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†might be an expression or reflection of the utter poverty within the life of Hawthorne? It is the purpose of this essay to clarify this issue.  Hawthorne’s impoverishment probably begain with the untimely death of his father, and continuedfor most of his llife. Gloria C. Erlich in â€Å"The Divided Artist and His Uncles†states that â€Å"Robert Manning made the esential decisions in the lives of the Hawthorne children and is well known as the uncle who sent Hawthorne to college†(35). After graduation from Bowdoin College Hawthorne spent twelve years in his room at home in an intense effort to make something of himself literarily. The Norton Anthology: American Literature states:  Hawthorne’s years between 1825 and 1837 have fascinated his biographers and critics. Hawthorne himself took pains to propogate the notion that he had lived as a hermit who left his upstairs room only for nighttime walks and hardly communicated even with his mother and sisters (547).  Sculley Bradley, Richmond Croom Beatty and E. Hudson Long in â€Å"The Social Criticism of a Public Man†consider his poverty a determining influence in his life: â€Å"†¦a young man engrossed in historical study and in learning the writer’s craft is not notably queer if he does not seek society or marriage, especially if he is poor†(47-48). Fame was slow in coming for the author, likewise prosperity. Clarice Swisher in â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne: a Biography†explains in great detail the unfortunate financial uncertainty which he survived due to a friend:  But when His s... ...nhaven Press, 1996.  Erlich, Gloria C. â€Å"The Divided Artist and His Uncles.†In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996.  Hawthorne, Nathaniel. â€Å"Young Goodman Brown.†1835.  James, Henry. Hawthorne.  Lewis, R. W. B. â€Å"The Return into Time: Hawthorne.†In Hawthorne – A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by A.N. Kaul. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966.   â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.†The Norton Anthology: American Literature, edited by Baym et al.  New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1995.  Swisher, Clarice. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne: a Biography.†In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Â
Monday, August 19, 2019
A Whole New Brushing Experience, Mon! :: Analyzing Crest’s Whitening Expressions Advertise
Analyzing Crest’s Whitening Expressions Advertisement What do palm trees, fresh citrus, and teeth have in common? Crest’s new Whitening Expressions in Fresh Citrus Breeze of course. In the January 2005 issue of Seventeen Magazine Crest debuted a new advertisement for their new line of Whitening Expressions toothpaste, which featured their Fresh Citrus Breeze flavor in gel form. From this advertisement it is easy for the viewer to see the emphasis Crest is placing on their new product: Whitening Expressions. When first introduced, toothpaste was a chalky mint flavored substance. Since then toothpaste has evolved into many other flavors and textures. When purchasing toothpaste there are not only one or two different brands, but there are several different brands and under that there are several different flavors and styles. In the advertisement Crest is introducing the newest member of its family, Whitening Expressions in three truly new flavors. Crest Whitening Expressions are a new spin on toothpaste, in Cinnamon Rush, Extreme Herbal Mint, and Fresh Citrus Breeze; Crest presents its customers with a new experience for their mouth. As well as flavor and texture evolution, the field of advertising has also evolved. Viewer expectations no longer just pertain to product, but also advertising for that product. Viewers expect a higher quality advertisement, and that is exactly what Crest presents its viewers with. High tech graphics, and brilliant ideas fill the page as Crest presents it’s viewer with a giant dollop of orange toothpaste as the focal point of the ad. Fresh Citrus Breeze, this is the giant squirt of gel in the center of the page, and inside of this blob of orange gel in a sort of snow globe effect appears a typical tropical scene with a palm tree, ocean tide and sailboat. Directly following the dollop of gel is a block of dual colored text that captions the picture above. The first sentence of the text is describing the product featured above, while the rest of the caption describes the other flavors available in the new Whitening Expressions. After the text the three flavors are presented in their different forms near then bottom of the page. The viewer now has seen all of the flavors and styles of the new product. The tropical setting gives this advertisement a new take on the emblematic mint paste.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay --
The numbers of marine mammals present in waters under the jurisdiction of the United States has fluctuated over the past century. Declines have been credited to various causes, which are a mix of anthropogenic and natural processes. One major cause of marine mammal decline is whaling. Even though this practice has been prohibited, the effects of commercial whaling in the United States can still be seen today. The main whale species affected included North Pacific right whales (Eubalaena japonica), bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus), humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus), and gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus). Sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis) and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) were exploited in an increased fashion after World War II (Springer et al., 2003). Whaling did not only affect whale populations, but it also affects populations of seals, sea lions, and sea otters. This is hypothesized to be the result of top-down forces from whaling, forcing great whales to shift their food sources to these smaller marine mammals. During the Second World War, whaling of great whales was at its peak. These whales were used for oils for lubricants, food, and other needs of the people of the United States. However, this heavy use of great whale stocks forced killer whales (Orcinus orca) to begin feeding on smaller marine mammals, such as seals, sea lions, and sea otters (Trites et al., 2006). It is also thought that declines in these smaller marine mammals is due to a decline in nutritional limits in their habitats, competition with fisheries, as well as changing climates. The North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) has had a slow recovery since the cessation of commercial... and acts such as the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, Fur Seal Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, and the Coastal Management Act, have all helped to prevent the stocks of these important organisms from declining even further. Even though these have been enacted, the general public still needs to be educated and made aware of the population trends of these animals, as well as their importance to the tropic systems surrounding our coastlines. Many individuals do not realize, for instance, that Sea Otters are a keystone species in kelp bed habitats, and without them, kelp forests would dwindle in numbers and the health of those ecosystems would decline rapidly. Kelp forests provide habitat for over a thousand species of animals, many of which are important for fisheries and without those forests, fish abundance would fall as well.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Steam-powered Boilers
Boilers are closed containers where a fluid is heated to generate steam above the atmospheric pressure (Steingress, 2001 5). Thus, they are often called steam-powered boilers since the steam they generate is utilized as a source of energy such as electricity. Boilers have two primary parts. These are the compartment for fuel combustion and the other compartment for evaporation of water to produce steam (Prasad). The steam produced then, leaves the water compartment and is used for various purposes (Steingress, 2003 4).The main materials for boiler construction can be carbon steel, stainless steel, brass or cast iron. These materials are used since they are not flammable and they are good conductors of heat. Inside the boiler, combustion of fuels such as wood, coal, natural gas or oil, generates the heat needed to turn water into steam. History of Boilers Pneumatica was the first steam machine ever produced in the history of mechanics. This steam engine was the first employment of wat er generated into steam to produce power. It was invented in the 1st century by a Greek mathematician and inventor named Hero of Alexandria.In the Middle Ages and Renaissance period, Italian architect and inventor Giovanni Branca designed the first boiler. The boiler discharges steam, which in turn, struck the blades of a wheel thus, causing it to rotate. Later, in the year 1785, Scottish inventor James Watt redesigned the previous boiler. He introduced the use of spherical and cylindrical vessels heated from below by open fire to generate steam. This design is what makes up the modern-day boiler (Prasad). Applications of Boilers Boilers have various purposes. Nevertheless, most of its applications are in the field of energy generation for further functions.One good example is the use of boiler in the first steam engine produced. Thomas Savery built this steam engine made of two copper vessels, which are alternately filled with steam from a boiler. The said engine was used for pumpi ng water out of mines (Prasad). Other useful applications of boilers are boiler feed water deaerator, external combustion engine, fossil fuel power plant generator, and ship propeller power generator. There are still other uses of boilers especially in the industry; however, these applications are specific for each type of boiler.There are two major types of boilers: fire-tube boilers and water-tube boilers. Fire-tube Boilers The fore-runner of a fire-tube boiler was invented by Oliver Evans in America. Evans built a boiler consisting of cylindrical casings where one is inside the other and the region between them containing water. The fire and fuel in this type of boiler are inside the cylinder thus allowing an increase in steam pressure (Prasad). Fire-tube boilers, compared to water-tube boilers, have low steam production rate. However, this type of boiler has a high steam storage capacity.Fire-tube boilers usually utilize solid fuels; nevertheless, liquid fuels can also be used u pon adaptation of the device. One hazard of fire-tube boilers is that they are sometimes explosive (Prasad). In fire-tube boilers, the boiler barrel is almost completely filled with water with a small space above to enclose the steam that is produced. The source of fuel is a furnace, which is cooled by water around it, to prevent overheating which may cause explosions. Fire- tube boilers are also known as smoke-tube or shell boiler and fire pipe.Boilers of this type are typically used for steam locomotives and for heating buildings in stationary engineering fields. There are several kinds of fire-tube boilers that differ only in the way the flu gasses, which provide the heat, are transported in a variety of tubes. These types are Cornish boiler, Lancashire boiler, Scotch marine boiler, locomotive boiler, vertical fire-tube boiler and horizontal return tubular boiler (Shonas Wreck Guide). Water-tube Boilers This type of boiler was introduced later than its counterpart. It was invente d by George Herman Babcock and Stephen Wilcox in 1867 (Prasad).Unlike fire-tube boilers, water-tube boilers have high steam production rates. However, they have less storage capacity than fire-tube types. Water-tube boilers are characteristically used in high-pressure applications because the narrow pipes of this type can endure pressure despite their thin walls. Furthermore, water-tube boilers have less risk of explosions since the water used is only minimal. In water-tube types, the water flows through tubes, which are heated externally by gases. Steam is then collected into a drum located above the tubes.This type is also inexpensive in a sense that the water is just circulated inside the tubes. The water is heated then turned into steam and again cooled to water upon accomplishing its purpose. Water-type boilers also have different classifications, which are D-type, O-type, A-type, flex-tube boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler, Stirling boiler, thornycroft boiler, and yarrow boile r (Prasad). Safety Precautions Since steam boilers are pressurized vessels, it has a risk of explosion. Boiler explosions are damaging since they are boiling liquid expanding vapor explosions.In this case, the pressure exceeds the capacity of the vessel and thus, explodes into destructive steam, not to mention the furnace that may add to the explosion. Furnace explosions may also occur in boilers. It is thus advised that maintenance and regular inspection of the boiler be done. One well-known explosion took place in the steamer â€Å"Eclipse†on January 27, 1865. In this disaster, 27 were killed and 78 were wounded (Hewison 1). Therefore, hazards of boiler explosion can certainly be disturbing. Maintenance and regular replacement of defective or weak parts of the boiler should be done regularly.Works Cited â€Å"General Ship Layout†. Shonas Wreck Guide. 17 April 2008. Hewison, Christian H. Locomotive Boiler Explosions. David and Charles. 1983. Prasad, Vishwanath. â₠¬Å"Boilers. †Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia. 2007. Microsoft Corporation. 17 April 2008. Steingress, Frederick M. Low Pressure Boilers. 4th Ed. American Technical Publishers. 2001. Steingress, Frederick M. , Harold Frost and Darryl Walker. High Pressure Boilers. 3rd Ed. American Technical Publishers. 2003.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Palfinger Ag Case Study
Palfinger’s AG – Property, Plant, and Equipment a. ) Palfinger’s property would include the property that they have to store the forklifts and other large inventory that they have on. The equipment would include all equipment that is necessary to make the inventory that they sell such as the cranes. b. ) This number represents the total of the plant, property, and equipment that Palfinger has. This number should be recorded as the historical cost that the plant, property and equipment was purchased at.This total number also has the total sum of amortized depreciation subtracted out to get the net amount of PP&E that is put on the balance sheet c. ) In the notes to the financial statements, Palfinger reports the plant, property and equipment of the following: †¢ Land and equipment †¢ Undeveloped buildings and investments †¢ Plant and machinery †¢ Other plant, fixtures, fittings, and equipment †¢ Payments and assets under construction d. â €Å"Prepayments and assets under construction†represents expenses that have prepaid for and assets that haven’t been finished yet. Because the assets aren’t completed and haven’t been used, they aren’t being depreciated. The reclassification comes from allocation of depreciation from the newly completed projects that now have been put to use. e. ) Palfinger depreciates its property and equipment by using straight-line depreciation over the prospective useful lives of the relevant assets.They allocate 8-50 years on buildings, 3-15 years on plant and machinery, and 3-10 years on fixtures, fittings, and equipment. This policy does not seem reasonable because there is a short 8-year building useful life. Because of this, Palfinger’s ROA and EPS ratios are heavily impacted. f. You can both depreciate replacements investments, and value enhancing investments that are capitalized and depreciated over the new useful life or original useful life.The alternative method to this would be to just expense out the costs of renovations or value enhancing investments. This way it is completely hit on the income statement, and is not shown on the balance sheet. g. ) i. According to the notes to the consolidated financial statements, Palinger bought $61,444 worth of new PPE in 2007. ii. There was a change of ($733) concerning government grants. According to IAS 20 government grants for property, plant, and equipment are presented as reductions of the acquisition and/or manufacturing costs.When these are deducted from the account, it lessens the amount depreciated during the life of the acquired assets. iii. Depreciation expense for 2007 was $12,557. iv. Net book value of total disposed PPE, was $1,501 (Derived from $13,799 – $12,298) h. ) To derive the gain or loss Palfinger incurred, we compute their proceeds from the sale of PPE $1,655 and subtract it from $1,501 (net book value). This gives us a total gain of $154. i. ) i. Str aight Line |Year |Beg |Dep. Exp |Accum Dep. Ending Bal | |1 |$10,673 |$1,880 |$1,880 |$8,793 | |2 |8,793 |1,880 |3,760 |6,913 | |3 |6,913 |1,880 |5,640 |5,033 | |4 |5,033 |1,880 |7,520 |3,153 | |5 |3,153 |1,880 |9,400 |1,273 | ii. Double- declining- balance depreciation Year |Beg |Dep. Exp. |Accum Dep. |Ending Bal | |1 |$10,673 |$4,269 |$4,269 |$6,404 | |2 |6,404 |2,562 |6,831 |3,842 | |3 |3,842 |1,537 |8,368 |2,305 | |4 |2,305 |922 |9,290 |1,383 | |5 |1,383 |110 |9,400 |1,273 | . ) i. Net book value at end of year 1 is $8,793. Less what you received on the sale $7,500. Gives you a disposal loss of $1,293 using the straight-line method of depreciation. You then add the disposal loss from the previous years depreciation $1,880, which results in a total income statement impact of $3,173. ii. Using double- declining method, the first year ending balance of $6,404 is subtracted form the proceeds of the sale netting in a gain of $1,096 on the disposal.Once this is subtracted form the pre vious years depreciation $4,269, you get a total income statement impact of $3,173. iii. The total income statement impact is exactly the same. The computations turn out to be identical because it is essentially a backwards way of computing the initial cost of the asset of $10,673, minus the proceeds from the sale $7,500, which both gives you $3,173. The difference between the two is perception. One reports a gain on disposals, while the other reports a loss. k. ) | Palfinger |Palfinger |Caterpillar |Caterpillar | | |2007 |2006 |2007 |2006 | |Net PPE |149,990 |98,130 |9,997 |8,851 | |Total Assets |528,314 |409,366 |56,132 |51,449 | |Common Size |28. 4% |24% |17. % |17. 2% | |Dep |12,557 |9,980 |1,797 |1,602 | |Sales/Rev |695,623 |585,205 |41,962 |38,869 | |Common Size |1. 8% |1. 7% |4. 3% |4. 1% | This table shows that Palfinger has much more assets involved in PPE at 28. 4%, than does Caterpillar 17. 8%. l. ) |Palfinger |Palfinger |Caterpillar |Caterpillar | | |2007 |2006 |2007 |20 06 | |Sales or Rev |695,623 |585,205 |41,962 |38,869 | |Avg. PPE |124,060 |94,091 |9,424 |8,420 | |PPE turnover |5. 61 |6. 22 |4. 45 |4. 2 | Turnover went down about 11% (5. 61/6. 22) for Palfinger, we also see the despite being less effective they’re still more efficient then Caterpillar by about 26% (5. 61/4. 45) in regards to PPE sales for every dollar spent. m. ) Depreciation, Amortization & Impairment expense1,960 Accumulated Depreciation & Impairment1,960 n. ) i. Due to the companies building location concept ii. Accumulated depreciation impairment1,755 Depreciation, Amortization, & impairment expense1,755 The credit is posted to an account the company has called revaluation reserve, if it is the initial write up. iii. |2007 | |Net Sales | $695,623 | |Avg. PPE Adjusted |124,060 – (1,755 x 0. 5) = 123,183 | |Turnover Adjusted | 5. 65 | The ratio has changed 5. 61 to 5. 65, which is not a very significant difference. Recalculating the impact of the write offâ€⠄¢s compared to the total net PPE is considered a minimal change for the company.
Al Capone Does My Shirts
He has an autistic sister called Natalie. They move to an apartment at â€Å"The Rock†after their father is able to work as an electrician at Alcatraz. What follows after are the series of escapades that Moose experiences which exposes him to several scrupulous deals making him compromise his integrity.Moose is intrigued that Al Capone lives in one of the prison cells where he lives and so are the other children. They eagerly pay money to have their clothes laundered by Scarface. He still has connections with other people behind bars of Alcatraz and he is able to help Moose.Moose reasoned in a manner that proves quite helpful in the sense that there is a cognitive behavior that the child manifests through obvious exploring and reconstruction of past events. Most of the children there are receptive to new learnings once new opportunities present themselves.The presence of these dangerous criminals in the midst of children, even if these dangerous elements are locked up, give a sense of inner exhilaration to readers who never know what to expect next. Moos Flanagan himself is witty and funny, which makes his character blend well with the other characters in the story.The family experiences several difficulties as it tries to balance their day revolving around Natalie who is afflicted with autism and their other child.  Thus, there is a strange kind of blending between the children of the prison guards and a story that elicits compassion for a children’s story book. It may seem to be quite heavy on the criminal side of the men in prison, but the author gives us a natural, almost necessary kind of kindness for these men who also manage to show kindness to these people.Delinquent activities is not really a normal process of growing up but it is most of the time an impact of a different kind of peer pressure that young people experiences. Young people have different experiences of puberty and adolescence and this experience is in part influenced thr ough the support systems that surround young people.Most of the time, the family or other support systems would not be able to provide effective support system in terms of development of self-image; young people acquire affirmation through peers and other groups. In their wish to feel that they ‘belong’ to a group they commit deviant behaviors (Juvenile Crime).This means that in general, it is not really a normal process, but rather an impact of the difficulty of the family structures to support young people at this important stage of development towards adulthood. Children act like sponges in terms of imbibing information and acquiring knowledgeâ€â€a generalization that seems to hold whether they are learning how to speak or how to display emotions.It is not a curse for Moose to be responsible as he is wont to think. It balances with his family and environment so he still grows up well-rounded. It has been mentioned that families who are mentally and physically hea lthy are fundamental to a child's optimal growth and education.The kindness of prisoners melts the hearts of readers as Al Capone himself arranges for the help he is going to give readers. Natalie is brought to other families where she learns to interact like any normal child would do. Even if the daughter of the warden is presented as manipulative, yet the author manages to give him a soft heart for the punishment.Of course, we cannot discount the fact that some children have become more aggressive, which is directly correlated with the escalating prominence of violence among adults. Moose’s father warns him to do good for his sister but Piper, the warden’s daughter makes his life miserable by involving him in a moneymaking scheme to have their schoolmates’ clothes laundered by convicts.Piper even goes to the extent to telling schoolmates that Al Capone, the great gangster, may even be the one to wash their clothes.The story is heart-rending as readers are affo rded a glimpse of the relationship between Moose and his sister. We see the concern he has for his sister and is worth emulating. The setting of the story, even is quite serious for a children’s book prepares young readers for more serious themes as they grow up.Children acquire abilities to aggression more readily through constant exposure because they tend to imitate what they constantly see or read. Without doubt, the story plays a potent role on how children respond to different circumstances that they may have watched, read, or listened to.Oftentimes, the behaviors depicted in this story are extremely aggressive. Yet, this story breaks the belief that children believe that aggression is the only solution to a particular situation they are in.Living in a time and culture in which violence infuses numerous facets of society in both fiction and realityâ€â€verbal, visual, overt, and impliedâ€â€and considering the ubiquity and prevalence of all forms of violence aroun d us, exposure to serious themes through the children’s books evidently casts some negative impact upon children. Yet, this book becomes a compassionate read that makes children want to emulate the kindness shown by the main character, Moose.REFERENCECholdenko, G. (March 30, 2004). Al Capone Does my Shirts. Putnam Juvenile Â
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Lack of Flexibility with Employees Essay
One of the main reasons that the company William Beckett & Co needs to have a flexible work force is a factor that we have already spoken about which is the increase of work for the company that has happened in the last few years, which has created a few problems for them in most parts of the business. The other major factor that requires the company to have a flexible works force is the job rotation strategy that I have also mentioned earlier. This can only work if the employees themselves have the skills and abilities to actually perform this different jobs otherwise the whole thing will break down. If the employees don’t have the right skills and abilities then the process is pointless and costly to the company as the workers would be very ineffective to produce the same standard of work that the other employees produce as they have been trained to do this. â€Å"Although many view employee training as a necessary evil and expense that must be tolerated, a well designed training program pays for itself and increases the bottom line. Such a program teaches new employees to â€Å"do it right the first time,†thus minimizing down time, equipment damage, and personal injury while maximizing productivity and profits†http://pages.prodigy. net/pblair/ttthome. htm (technical training tips) To help control the increasing level of work that the company has, they would need a flexible workforce who could move around to different areas in the company to help out with the work in order to create some stability of the work that is coming in and the work that is being completed. This would allow the company to deal with the influx of work, help the productivity of the company and even help with the motivation of the employees, whilst maintaining the impressive level of sales. As the company is over run with business, they are in need of more staff to handle the amount of work which they are generating. So the director employees a new sales administrator to help with the situation. The problem is that the person he has employed is a friend of his so he has had no formal interview or application. After a while the man redefines his own job to sales representative as he is more experienced at doing this job as he knows more about this side of the company than the administration side. The director had employed his friend to do a job he is not really qualified or able to do. I believe that the company needs to set up a human resource department which would be able to deal with the recruitment of new employees for the company. The problems with recruiting employees who are not able to do the job are that the will not be able to complete jobs on time or to a high standard of quality, which also means that productivity will be affect and the employee himself will be unhappy as he isn’t able to perform the duties in his job specification. Once the HR department is setup the managers will be able to move some of their tasks over to them like recruitment, appraisals, motivational and training. As the directors are struggling to do this now the only solution would be to set up the Hr department as soon as possible. The training needs are needed throughout the company, this is due to the fact that the company has grown rapidly and the fact that the company has invested in a new range of technologies to keep them up to date with their competitors and the changes in the market. I have identified certain areas that need improving with the management which are leadership training, interpersonal relationships need to be worked on and they also need to be able to delegate tasks and responsibility. â€Å"The interpersonal skills when the one to one trainer has to exercise are described by Megginson and Boydell (1979) as being similar to those required by the skilful counsellor†page 229 of the theory and practice of training, 4th edition by Roger Buckley and Jim Caple. The results of this should be an increase in productivity and an improvement in sales. They could also develop their own internal learning programme as they don’t have a lot of time to send them away from the company for a long time as they are so busy. The lower level staff need new training as they will not be able to work effectively enough with the new technologies as they will not be familiar with it compared to the old equipment they were familiar with. The areas that they will need to be trained on are their team working abilities, stress and pressure courses, good communication and motivation skills and theories. This should help the employees to work together as a team which will help morale and productivity as a team that are working together and are happy will be a great asset to the company.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Is College Degree Essential
Alice Sewah 10/14/11 V1 A college degree is essential for my future Is college degree really worth all the money spent and the effort put in it? Right now in our socirty a college education is no longer a option or a privilege. Without a college degree, you might as well becomes a homeless because if you don’t have a college degree you really aren’t anybody in this society. With a college degree, you get a good job, people give you more respect and you broraden up your knowledge. To me a college degree is essential for my future in order to be successful. First reason, college degree is essential is that it will lead me to get a really good job in the future. Being a college student perhaps more respectable role than being a janitor, lunch lady or a cook in a restaurant. When people know you as a college graduate, they give you more respect than just any ordinary person. With a college degree you get nice well-paying careers where you don’t have to break your neck and working your body to death. Even my parents motivate me more to stay in college because I don’t want to grow up and do the job that they doing now. Second reason why college is important is you gain respectful from people. For example my older brother who is a college graduate from Northwestern university gets more respect from all my family members and outsiders too. They look at him as not any ordinary person, but as a person who has accomplished a major goal that not everybody who starts finish. I know I will hain the same respect from people once I get my college degree. A degree is not just any other paper. It’s a special dcosument that will lead me to the right places in the future. It’s not good to be labeled as a college dropout or high school dropout. I would rather be preferred to be labeled as a college graduate not drop out. Another reason why college is essential is not only leading you to a good job, but also it prepares you with academic knowledge about the around you. Most people are irerlate and don’t even know much about the world they live in due to the fact they didn’t finish high school or go to college. Most people excuse for not going to college is money. Yes that’s true but, there are so many resources out there to help you get into college if you’re willing to go. The way things are going now, the only way to make it through is by getting a college degree. Even with some simple jobs out there, you need some sort of degree in order to be hired. College degree is really essential for my future because I want to make a difference and help out my family in Ghana who didn’t have the same opportunity as me to go to college. Most teens out there take education for granted and don’t care much about it. In conclusion having a college degree is for your own benefit. It will lead you to many grate places in the career industry. Yes is a lot of money and work but it’s really worth it. I know that in four years from now I will be really happy that I went to college and didn’t play around with it. Nobody can ever take your education from you it’s your god given rights.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Warehouse Operations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Warehouse Operations - Term Paper Example The volume of goods to be transported and stored, the required mode of through put, the validity of the location as a transit point, the availability of area, the location for breaking bulk are some aspects that should be considered before setting up the warehouse. The selection of the location for the warehouse should be followed by the planning and designing of the warehouse on terms of space and design. The consideration of space layout , convenient storage space for different types of items, storage requirements, duration of inventorying, security of the goods, parking facilities for the transportation vehicles like fleets of trucks etc. should be done in the warehousing planning and designing process (Gunasekarana, Patel and McGaugheyc, 2004). The availability of handling equipment, loading trucks, access to labor resources and condition of the site are to be considered in the design of the warehouse as well. Workforce management is critical in the establishment and continuity of operations in a warehouse. A motivated, optimistic, well trained, skilled and enthusiastic workforce in then supply chain is indispensable for achieving competitive and strategic advantage for a logistics and supply chain business like Strategic Warehouse Management Inc. (SWM). A warehousing organization is a part of the macro supply chain and logistics management of companies functioning at a global scale. This involves the storage and movement of huge volumes of products. The products are not capable of moving by themselves. It takes a well-trained and efficient employee base in the organization so that the competitive logistics and warehousing operations are carried out in an efficient manner. The employees in the warehouse should be trained properly and specific steps should be taken by the organization to ensure that each of the employees understand his job well and
Monday, August 12, 2019
Employment System in Middle East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Employment System in Middle East - Essay Example In the third section, a linkage is created between the poverty and employment. In the forth section, linkage of social welfare and employment is created and finally in the last section conclusion is given. Middle Eastern countries comprise of the following countries, i.e. Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen, Israel, Jordon, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt, Gaza Strip and West Bank. Not all of these countries are well established but there is a good demand of employment in these countries, especially Africa and Dubai. The Growth level in this system is emerging with the passage of time but unemployment rate has not declined to a greater degree. There is still a large amount of population unemployed. This paper focuses on the linkage between the poverty and employment & social welfare and employment. The section three and four will emphasize the two concepts in detail. In 2004-2006 when all the rest of the world was going through a recession in the employment industry, some middle-eastern countries passed through the job creation phase. There was employment opportunity in these areas because the private sector showed major development. There were a lot of foreign and domestic investments made by the local and foreign companies that boosted, enhanced and created job opportunities for the unemployment class. These job opportunities catered well as not only were the demand of the young, energetic, talented and capable people met but also these unemployed workers now were provided with the platform where they could put their best efforts to achieve their potential goals. But it sad to state that apart from all the opportunities, the unemployment level in the Middle East was still very high and a major sector of the workforce still remains unemployed. Middle East is also faced with another disappointing workforce practice, i.e. discrimination has been observed in the middle-eastern countries, as women who are a foremost source still experience through a high level of unemployment rate. It has also been stated that middle-eastern women are more talented and educated than as compared to men but regardless of all the efforts made they are still lacking far behind. This discrimination is widely observed in Egypt. The Middle East is experiencing high economic growth rate and it has been stated that from 2004 to 2006, its real GDP per capita had a 4.0 percent annual increase. But despite all these growths, Middle East also suffers from 25 percent youth employment (which is the recorded as the highest among all regions). Among the employed the highest level are new job seekers of age range of 15- 24 years who account for 50 percent of the unemployment in the region. On the other hand young people with secondary and post secondary education are also faced with employment issues such as mismatching skills and long queues for
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Control Room - a video by Al Jazeera Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Control Room - a video by Al Jazeera - Assignment Example The channel depicted the massive casualties of innocent people, which was seen as detrimental or somehow derogatory to US operations. Also, the documentary outlined alleged propagandas that America has done to veer people’s attention away from casualties of war and focus on the success of the allied forces in ousting Saddam’s regime. Based on the video documentary, it is primarily aimed to provide the world, especially their Arab fellows, a clear view of the events that have transpired during the war. It presented war-related issues and the sentiments that the Iraqi people had. Though at some point the video delivers point-of-views that might somehow be biased in nature since they are catering their network to their Arab viewers, they remained keen on providing an overview of the war at the perspective of the Iraqi people and the Arabs. Media is truly a powerful tool that can significantly contribute to the overall perspective of an individual on certain issues. For instance, members of the Al Jazeera has shown an event wherein the US allegedly done a publicity stunt to drive away attention from three incidents involving the death of media personnel to US airstrikes. One of the most notable and commendable actions that Al Jazeera took was its courage to go against the tide of all other media coverage during the war. Correspondents have been vigilant in providing its viewers with the actual events that Iraqi people are experiencing; their fear, their pain, and their struggle. However, the video also takes a direct attack on the credibility of the network on issues since some viewers may perceive their actions during the war Iraq are just propaganda to further promote conflicts between the Middle East and the US. In addition, Kirkpatrick’s article on the alleged collusion of the Al Jazeera top news director with a US official to take down two images which an involved a woman and a child who was affected by the on-going war that time. It was clearly conveyed in the video that with any kind of war, there will be deaths of innocent children, men and women; as if there is very little, or nearly absent, consideration on the lives that will be lost, families that will be broken, and communities that will have to start again from scratch after the war has ended. Â
Human behavior in prompting research paper Essay
Human behavior in prompting research paper - Essay Example In order to help the learners to fully understand the concepts they are exposed to, these procedures are used by teachers among other practitioners through different forms of prompts (Milton and Mullan 23). The application of the procedures in a systematic fashion ensures that learners with ASD get the required skills. According to Liberman et al 46, prompts are adopted by teachers, parents, and coworkers as a way of showing others how to acquire a particular skill. For example, a supervisor who aims at improving the performance of his workers will need to explain to the new worker on how to access documents from the computer network. The supervisor can use the main computer to demonstrate to the workers on the steps to follow in order to access all the information in other computers within the department. Similarly a sales person may explain to a customer on how to use a mobile phone while at the same time demonstrating how its features work (Stark et al 23). In verbal prompts, teac hers make statements that ensure that learners achieve their targets. For example, learners can be asked to write their names or be asked to try doing something in a different way (Abraham and Michie 36). Gestural prompt is whereby a practitioner or a teacher makes a movement for example by pointing or nodding that makes the learners to learn a particular skill or behavior. For example, a learner may be shown at the top of the paper where he or she is supposed to write his or her name. Another example of gestural prompt is where a teacher taps a student and point the coat closet making the student to hang the coat (Polaha et al 46). Model prompts refers to a situation where the practitioner or the teacher performs the skill or the behavior of the learner. In this way, the learner will emulate what the teacher is doing thus achieving the skill. In order to ensure that the learner easily understand the skill, the teacher may also
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Construction Contracts in Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Construction Contracts in Context - Essay Example Hoover‘EmUp PLC (‘Hoover’) brought out share of SkyHigh Project Limited (‘SkyHigh’) which was a middle sized contraction company. The initial designs were done by PrimeDesign Partnership (‘PrimeDesign’). Hoover had a lawyer who helped him in his projects. The lawyer usually goes through his paper to be updated with the agreements he is in. During one particular diligence exercise he noticed that Hoover had misstated some of his documents. Being a written contact it might give the opponent a good hand in case of a dispute. The statements brought him into a big problem for design defects were noticed in the building. When Hoover noticed the problem he blamed it to PrimeDesign. The use of different legal issues in construction was the only way they have to meet their claims2. A good construction contract should be able to adhere to the Legal issues related to construction. Different contractual and legal issues were noticed in the case. Legal issue discovered during the investigation of the case3. The first issue was the one that deals with contractors and subcontractors. The issue deals with matters concerning what contractors are held liable during the building process4. It states that contractors and subcontractors are liability in automobile, commercial general and worker compensation/ employers’ liability. Hoover being the employer of PrimeDesign he is protected by this law. He has the right to sue PrimeDesign and claim for compensation. He can use the advantage of this law to ensure that SkyHigh has been compensated completely or partially for the design problem which is expensive. Another issue is in term of risk of the property or the builder. Risk of property of builder section tackled accidents that may lead damage of property or bodily damage. The decisions are made based on different considerations. Location of the project, type of project, cost associated with the project, type of contract, owner’s desires
Friday, August 9, 2019
From War to War, the world in the years 1918-1939 Essay
From War to War, the world in the years 1918-1939 - Essay Example The U.S., being the only Western country with an economy nearly unaffected by the war was in a position to assist the war-torn nations. It supplied loans to Germany and Austria, the losing parties in the Great War. Germany and Austria, on the other hand, were obliged to pay reparations to France and Great Britain. Both Great Britain and France, for their part, had to repay the U.S. which had provided them with loans in the duration of World War I. In such situation, the U.S. financial institutions saw that investments in Europe had become no longer viable and they were prompted to pull out their funds out of the continent, leaving Germany and Austria in serious economic turmoil. The U.S too suffered greatly in the economic sphere. For a time, its agricultural sector grew while there was virtually no competition from Europe, which has yet to recover from the war. However, when Europe’s farmers began to produce the same agricultural products as the Americans came up with, an ove rproduction occurred. The crisis of overproduction eventually led into the downfall of a great number of farms and agricultural enterprises. As the stock market crashed in 1929, industrial and commercial activities came to a slowdown, depriving hundreds of thousands of workers of their jobs. The market contracted further and resulted in more joblessness. This was because â€Å"consumer demand no longer sufficed to purchase all the goods that businesses produced, and when business realized that could not sell their inventories, they responded with cutbacks in production and additional layoffs†(Bentley & Ziegler, 2011, p.986). As America suffered great setbacks in its economy, a chapter in history called the Great Depression, the countries in Europe also began to experience worse economic crisis. Among those that bore the brunt is Germany. As the Great Depression wreaked havoc on the U.S. and other countries of Western Europe, the Soviet Union managed to pursue more seriously its own socialist economic programs. The Great Depression was pointed out as a sign that capitalism is a bankrupt system and that socialism is the only path towards economic development. Both V.I. Lenin and Josef Stalin were able to initiate programs that aimed to industrialize the Soviet Union, less concerned this time with external threats coming from the weakened West. Lenin, however, was pragmatic as he considered certain aspects in the economy that should bear the hallmarks of capitalist system at least for a certain period of time. Through the New Economic Policy or NEP, â€Å"large industries, banks, and transportation and communications facilities remained under state control, but the government returned small-scale industries (those with fewer than twenty workers) to private ownership†(Bentley & Ziegler, 2011, p.992). When Lenin died, however, his successor Stalin, decided to hasten the construction of a purely socialist state. He did so by overturning the NEP and i nitiating the collectivization of agriculture. The objective was apparently to bolster the efforts in national industrialization. However, Stalin’s policy led to the alienation of many peasants, especially the kulaks who benefitted much from the NEP. Discontent grew and many began to oppose the Stalin’s government. In response to this, Stalin used the full force of the state and the Communist Party in running after individuals who are suspected of opposing the policies
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